This is that - Hold onto your Hat
A word for the season we are in. By Ian Johnson.
As we approach 2015, I have been pondering a statement I heard in the spirit during 2014. It was "This is That, Hold onto your hat" a statement based around Acts chapter 2, where Peter says - "This is that spoken of by the Prophet Joel."
As I reflect on 2014 and the places I have been - especially in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand, Australia & South Africa, I have had an overwhelming sense of destiny for these nations. I have though much about Smiths Wigglesworth and his impact in all three nations between 1922 & 1945. I have been meditating on and researching the words he spoke concerning great moves of God in the earth. It seems from what I can find in my research that he clearly spoke of a move of healing and power in the Holy Spirit, this started with the 1949 healing revival that continued through the 1950's. Then He said there would be a move of the Holy Spirit within the traditional churches. This of course was the Charismatic movement starting in the 1960's until the present time. He said that when this move was waning, Another move combining the Holy Spirits glorious power and the word would rise ushering in an unstoppable and glorious move with signs and miracles and a fresh release of revelation from the word. Some have tried to tie this into the "Word of Faith" movement, however I would see the Word of faith movement as an off shot of the Charismatic renewal, Also all the other revivals, Argentina, China, Toronto, Pensacola, Bethel and so on, also as part of the greater Charismatic move
In the past few years there has been a real stirring in many nations, lots of grasping at old moves, or re-digging old wells, trying to discover what it is that needs to happen in order to walk into a worldwide great awakening.
Firstly let me say that I honour, totally respect and am awestruck by all the old moves of God and the men and women who forged them and have gone on before us into glory and now form part of the Church, the part that is in heaven. These saints are cheering us on and have an investment in the worldwide glorious awakening still to come.
The move we are currently entering however is not found in old wells, or indeed will it replicate a former move. This is a reformation as big as that of Acts Chapter 2 . That is why I am hearing, "THIS IS THAT - HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT" Many have seen it coming, many are speaking out about it, but like the 120 in the upper room, we really have no idea what is about to hit us.
I want to now come back to Smiths Wigglesworth, While it is really hard to find firm written evidence of a prophetic word for the ends of the earth, I do believe that Smiths Wigglesworth and Pastor David du Plessis were together in South Africa during Wigglesworths visit between October 1936 & January 1937. Du Plessis wrote of a day when Wigglesworth came into his office and engaged him, and declared a word over the Southern lands of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It seems also very clear that Wigglesworth spoke of an end time move in Australia & New Zealand while he was ministering at Sunshine in Victoria Australia. (Greater Melbourne) that would sweep around the world.
Given that Wigglesworth prophesied the healing revival, and the Charismatic revival, I think it would be ok to assume that the next move of the Holy Spirit with incredible revelation from the word and amazing signs and wonders that will have world wide impact, may be triggered in the Southern hemisphere. It would seem scriptural also, based on Jesus declaring that the "Gospel of the Kingdom" must be declared in an ever widening circle out from Jerusalem until it hits the ends of the earth then the end shall come.
The end of what? This next move is so radical and revolutionary that we need to be totally alert to the fact that the teachers and religious leaders in 33AD missed the glory of the Messianic revelation found in Jesus. Lets face it, the system changed so radically in 33 AD that many still haven't been able to cope with the freedom found in Christ. We must be prepared for a mighty reformation.
2015 is going to see a release of revelation from the word of God so intense and so powerful that many will gasp, stammer and sway under its influence.
I believe that the core of this revelation will come from the nations of South Africa, Australia & New Zealand. Obviously God will be moving all over the world, but watch these three nations in 2015 and listen for the fresh wind, A wind that will eventually sweep the earth and land back in Jerusalem. A wind and a fire that will utter the words, THIS IS THAT - HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT.
2015 will see many unusual signs in these three nations, Signs that will point to the Gospel of the Kingdom coming of age and into maturity, Sons & daughters of God being revealed in the ends of the earth. Signs & wonders in the land, in the sky, in the Sea and in the people will point clearly to God.
South Africa & New Zealand will form a Prophetic arc of Spiritual authority between the two nations in 2015 that will wash over Australia, and Australia will rise in administrative revelation that will bless all three nations.
Some of the Prophetic word that will begin to come out of the southern Hemisphere in 2015 will initially be ignored in other parts of the world, until Australia rises into her destiny in the earth. Events in Australia in 2015 will turn the attention of the world toward her, She will carry NZ & SA with her in a charge across the nations. A charge of glorious freedom and revelation of the fullness and provision found in Christ. However before Australia can rise into her full destiny, South Africa & New Zealand need to accept their prophetic mandate and speak boldly and openly, this will trigger Australia.
As the year progresses, it will become clear - "THAT THIS IS THAT - HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT" Wave upon wave of glory will confirm the word of the Lord. Ripples will begin to capture the attention of many nations. The destiny of three related nations in the South will shake the Northern Hemisphere.
Watch this space - The Sons of the ends of the earth are coming.
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