We started our journey from Arusha, Tanzania, to Mzuzu, Malawi in the early morning hours on the 24th. (Read the Tanzania testimony). Our first flight kicked off with a picture perfect sight of the African sunrise over Kilimanjaro en-route to Nairobi, Kenya. We then had a stopover in Lusaka, Zambia and in the afternoon landed in Lilongwe, Malawi. We were met at the airport and departed at 15:30 on a public bus to Mzuzu.
The moment we stepped out of the airport we were overwhelmed by people begging for money, trying anything to get into our wallets. This was quite an overwhelming experience. Eventually we got on the bus and I put my headsets on to listen to worship. I had such a longing to just sit on my Fathers lap, not asking for anything, but just to be with Him. I had an amazing time with Him on the bus! During all this I saw in my spiritual eye a black lady that had a very demonic face but didn’t make anything of it at this stage. Later, after the sun had completely set, many people got off the bus and the bus was almost empty.
Henru took this opportunity to take a nap on an open set of seats. Around nine o’ clock at the next village, a whole bunch of people got on the bus again and before we could get back together, the seat next to me were taken by a young man that smelled like a hundred bottles of liquor. My spirit was immediately uneasy but the young man was very friendly and started talking to me. After some small talk he made his point. He said that his father died and his mother who was seated next to him could not continue to pay his studies and that I was the one who should sponsor him or find someone to sponsor his studies.
This really angered me especially as his attitude and arrogance grew. His mother was a very soft spoken and friendly lady but she resembled the demonic woman I saw in a vision earlier. One of the passengers apparently didn’t pay his ticket (or didn’t pay enough, it was hard to tell), but a verbal fight broke out all over the bus with everybody screaming his or her opinion. The bus stopped a few times threatening to throw the man off the bus but it sounded like the shouting passengers were actually defending him.
The situation rapidly deteriorated and challenged my whole being. The guy sitting next to me realized that I was not falling for his tricks, and instead tried to unnerve me by commenting about the crime at Mzuzu, especially at the bus station. I knew he was up to something as he constantly tried to get hold of my phone or my belongings. I put all my belongings away and tried to avoid conversation but a drunk man is not very ...uhm... bright, and he couldn’t tell what my entire body language screamed, so he continued with his friendly conversations while trying to rob me or something.
God was with us and we safely reached Mzuzu just
before midnight where Oom Jan and Lourens already waited for us. The guy next
to me made his final move as I climbed over him to rush to the alley to get off
the bus. I shouted for Henru to forget his manners and get next to me whatever the
cost. As I climbed over the guy, he grabbed my water bottle out of my hand and
within a split-second opened it and took a big sip. This is when my kettle
boiled over and the old Martin very nearly got resurrected! I wanted to
physically explain to this guy what my thoughts were. I didn't care about
reaching out, but only to arrange for an early judgment day for him. Luckily,
Jesus in me saved me (and him!). As this young misguided man smiled at me while
he drank my water, I realized what was happening. A bottle of water nearly
ruined our entire outreach! I looked at the guy, told him what he had done as
calmly as possible and we got off the bus. He tried his luck one more time by
attempting to grab our bags but with one turn towards him and us now being four
men at the car, he left into the darkness. Even as we left the parking lot
(which was almost nonexistent) the guy at the exit closed the gate and demanded
money for parking. This has been one of the hardest days so far, if not the
hardest. Our hotel was a major blessing! We had a massive room, and a toilet to
sit on! Our first decent flushing toilet in two weeks!
The following morning after breakfast, we joined
Henk, Oom Jan, Oom Lourens and just over 30 pastors from across Malawi for a three-day
school of supernatural conference. We were behind as the conference started the
day before, but it was such a privilege to be part of this initiative. When I greeted
the pastors, we recognized each other from my visit to Malawi the previous
It was amazing to witness their growth in the Lord over the previous year. Our meeting immediately reopened the place they have in my heart and I was overflowing with excitement for the next few days with yesterday’s challenges long forgotten! Henk led all the sessions and it was amazing to see the response from the pastors. They made the teachings very interactive and throughout the day we could clearly witness their eyes as it started lightening up as the revelations of God fell in their hearts. God opened their hearts and changed their thought patterns without us manipulating them emotionally. Another lesson learned! We do not always have to stir up the atmosphere in order to get response. Just preach the Truth and Gods Word will do the work! The Truth will set us free indeed!
Each day we had two sessions before lunch and one
session after lunch. The presence of God was so tangible as we all worshiped
God together throughout the day. Something in the spirit lifted and the heavens
opened up. God gave us massive breakthroughs! This specific evening we went to
a nearby school hall to show them a film about Samson. They showed the Jesus
film the night before and I had the opportunity to share a short message during
the film. The hall was in a remote area and therefore only a few people
attended. In our eyes these small meetings can seem like a waste of time but is
in fact integral in building personal relationships with the people.
The film’s sound was very bad, the quality of the
movie was poor or very old, BUT once again I witnessed what we saw in Tanzania. Despite the quality of the film, the people enjoyed the opportunity and everyone had a good time! The joy was very obvious throughout the entire day. People couldn’t sit still and in between sessions when nothing formal was happening, they started singing and dancing! They are anointed and have very powerful voices!
movie was poor or very old, BUT once again I witnessed what we saw in Tanzania. Despite the quality of the film, the people enjoyed the opportunity and everyone had a good time! The joy was very obvious throughout the entire day. People couldn’t sit still and in between sessions when nothing formal was happening, they started singing and dancing! They are anointed and have very powerful voices!
Thursday morning in the first session we talked about spiritual warfare. The session ended in a powerful warfare prayer where the church stood up against the powers of witchcraft. The second session we again ministered to the people and one of the pastors who is in a wheelchair because of a stroke, could move his very thin legs for the first time in a very long time! And it was big full movements! One lady testified how the sessions transformed her and how God healed her of pain in her leg. An old man said he started to see how the continents especially Africa, Europe, and Asia started working together and that these teachings are exactly what is happening in the villages at this moment. God also healed him from back pain! This was the chief of a village. He spoke in Tonga, the local language of his village and the translator was the guy in the wheelchair. Everybody spoke the national language except for the chief. The translator couldn’t speak Tonga at all but with the help of the Holy Spirit, he translated the entire testimony perfectly! God gave him a supernatural ability to understand the language at that time! The feedback was overwhelming and we pray that the fire will continue to spread all over Malawi as the pastors go back to their churches to impart to their congregations. This was the end to a very successful conference and it definitely taught us a lot, not only about our brothers up in Africa, but also about our Father in heaven.
Bishop Chirwa advertised over the radio that we
would be showing a film again in the evening and the people voted to watch
Samson again! During the movie, they paused and Oom Jan gave a very prophetic
message about forgiveness. What we didn’t know was that there was a couple in
the church who was separated and the church leaders had been trying to
reconcile them but with no success. Who knows what God did in their hearts!?
The following day we booked out at the hotel and went
to a nearby coffee shop for a meeting. We were there before our contact
arrived, and coincidentally overheard a lady speaking Afrikaans to her 2 year
old daughter. We started a conversation with her and learned that she and her
husband are missionaries in Livingstonia. We have been looking for an open door
in Livingstonia and in addition they have been looking to meet Marc, the guy
that we are supposed to meet, for a long time. So in one Godly moment, God
arranged for us, the missionaries and Marc to meet at the same time in a small
village in the north of Malawi.
Our meeting with Marc went really well. Marc trains
people to farm Gods way. He teaches the people to take what God gives us
through nature and use it to generate profit through farming. Marc will train
Bishop Thomson and his pastors to farm Gods way and use the 3 and a half
hectare land they own to be more profitable. They are also busy building a
church on these grounds.
The Bishop and his team have been victims of fraud and the building project is at more than R10 000 loss at this stage. They started building and the walls are about a meter high but the structure is of such poor quality that the walls can be pushed over and cement can be scratched out with one finger! The quality is so poor that the project might have to start over from scratch.
On our way back we passed by a beautiful lodge owned by a South African. Unfortunately they didn’t have space for us that evening but the place looked really amazing! Back at our hotel, we enjoyed dinner and then went to pray together on the beach. We prayed over our trip ahead and thanked the Lord for a very close to perfect day. There on the beach of Malawi Lake, underneath the African stars, God blessed us with His presence. All five of us, the Bishop were with us, stood there speechless on the beach just enjoying our Creator King.
5 o’ clock the next morning we were seated on the beach overlooking a very calm lake. On the horizon, there was a cloud base that started to show colour as the sun prepared to rise for the day. There on the beach we witnessed one of the most beautiful sunrises this planet has to offer, while enjoying cappuccinos with condensed milk! This experience is as close to heaven as one can have in the physical! It didn’t take too long for the sun to turn from a spectacular beauty into a bright raging fire but we had enough time to take photos and enjoy its spectacular beauty.
We went with Bishop Thomson to his father’s land in Sanga. He is the chief of easily over a thousand hectares piece of land next to Malawi Lake. He donated a piece of beach property to Oom Jan and gave full rights to the ground for development. We took a stroll over our new property and the chief made the donation official. Nearby locals prepared the catch of the day with thousands of small fish lain in the sun to dry out. Under the self-made thatch lapa, a few fishermen were seated waiting for the right time to go out onto the lake again. A perfect African scene! God blessed us tremendously with this property!
The chief also showed us his house and then took us to a river about 15minutes hike away. By then the sun was bright and very hot! There is a very large piece of land used for farming. Food is sometimes scarce and the reason for this is mainly because of poor farming techniques. The chief identified this entire area where he wants Marc to come and train them how to farm Gods way. The objective is not only to provide enough food for the people, but also to generate an income for them. The chief really has a heart for his community. He is also a fisherman and repairs fishing nets for a living. An amazing and humble leader! As we walked through the land, we had a whole crowd of children following us everywhere we went, some of them seeing white people for the very first time! Everyone was really friendly and came to greet us very kindly. It was a blessing to witness their lifestyle and the joy they have despite the very little to no western riches they possess.
We then back to the big mango tree church.
With our previous visit, we had services here and showed the Jesus film. The
church is a small wood and grass structure underneath a few mango trees that
seem like they reach into the heavens. They are enormous! The village said that
it was impossible for us to be visit and not have a service. So within a very
short time, during a week morning and no telephones or faxes, they arranged for
us to have a church service! We again enjoyed the African worship followed by
each of us sharing a short word of encouragement to the people. We invited
people forward for prayer and many came to receive healing. One baby had a
fever but as we started to pray the baby's temperature dropped immediately.
Someone else made Jesus the Lord of her life and God touched many more during
the service! This is the grace and love of our God. We didn't plan the service
and our minds were busy thinking about the land they gave and all the
possibilities to use it. The sun drained all the energy from us and our minds
were nowhere near church! But our God had an appointment with His children and
despite our limitations He used us to do what He wanted to do. This just showed
me again that it is not about us. It's all about Him and who He is!
The village's pastor then invited us to have lunch
at her home. She is a widowed mother but continue to work very hard to pastor
the community. African hospitality is always an honor to experience. Before
every meal someone will come round with a bucket and a jar of water, holding
the bucket for everyone to wash their hands. This happens before and after
every meal! They also don't hold back and will make absolutely sure that there
is more than enough food to eat. There's a lot that we can learn from them!
At the hotel's restaurant, a very smart looking man
in a very neat suit walked in. He also carried a feathery thing with him. We
first spoke in Afrikaans and then asked Bishop Chirwa in English about this man.
We thought he must be a sangoma or something! Chirwa didn't know either and we
made nothing of it. We only knew that he was a very important man! Chirwa and
his sons were to leave back to Mzuzu to prepare for the following days church
service. We also had to be there but decided to spend the night at the Lake and
leave for the church in Mzuzu early the next morning.
When we were packed and got to the parking area,
that fancy man also waited while they washed his Mercedes. We decided to make
conversation with him and were completely blown away by what he told us! He
introduced himself as the future president of Malawi! He lived in a very up
market area in Johannesburg for a long time and was in full time ministry at a
local church. The Lord sent him to Malawi and he is now running for president
in Malawi's next election. We gathered in a circle and prayed for him and his
country. While we prayed, he prayed in his Spiritual tongue the whole time.
Just imagine if the next president of Malawi is born again and Spirit
filled!!!??? Wouldn’t that be amazing!
We packed the car and left for the lodge that we
saw the previous day on the boat. Chirwa warned us to avoid sleeping there as
there are Rasta's who will party and make a noise till late. They will also put
drugs in your drinks and smoke a lot of marijuana! All this was said because of
their amazing hospitality. It's really something to see how these people looked
after us and how they would always protect us against any possible harm. It was
truly a blessing! However, we have freewill and decided to sleep there anyway.
We had Peace in our hearts and no fear whatsoever, just an overwhelming desire
to swim in the Lake again!
So we booked into the lodge and enjoyed an
afternoon's swimming and snorkeling. The lake is breathtaking and amazingly
beautiful. A true masterpiece from our Creator! And sure enough, as the sun had
set and we were seated on the deck at the restaurant, people came and started
to carry in sound and enough equipment to run a major nightclub! They took up
nearly half the entire deck! This is when I thought there might be trouble. I
asked the manager if there would be noise before we booked in and she said no.
But it was a Saturday night and there was nothing we could do. Because the
people took up so much space, three other people joined us at our table for
If I looked back at the previous two days it was absolutely God guiding us all the way. We continued to meet the right people right from the start, in between the meetings and even in ministry. Jesus spoiled us with a much needed and relaxed "vacation" next to Malawi Lake. Everything just happened as the Spirit took the lead. We didn't have to do anything but enjoy His presence and whatever He had for us. The last two days was the normal Christian life; in the arms of the Almighty, very effective and enjoyable!
Early the Sunday morning we left for Mzuzu to
minister at the church there. With all the worship and formalities, oom Lourens
preached. We sang and then they called oom Jan forward to preach. It was a very
long but very blessed service! After the service we saw Marc again with the
pastors. He explained to them what he had to offer and they had to decide if
they would rise to the challenge. They did and even arranged a meeting for
their first training on how to farm God's way later that month.
We left for the church that was halfway build (that poorly build one), to show Marc the land and the possibilities there. Chirwa invited us to his house to enjoy lunch with his family and Marc then took us to the university to show us the different projects they are working on. This was amazing and very innovative to see and learn from. The expensive technology of the western world is useless in deep Africa. The people live a totally different lifestyle from us westerners. We need equipment to serve them and help them and not to be an extra burden by trying to impose our ways on them.
It was mostly pumps that could easily be installed and maintained. Low cost but very effective! They also brought in some creativity to make the pumps into a children's playground. Even the toilet system could be put to work! They have a system where human manure can be used as compost in their gardens. It's a whole separate story that I am not going to describe here! But the summary is that it is brilliant!
Marc then took us to his house in the mountains
just outside of Mzuzu. It was like the Garden of Eden with spectacular views!
He showed us how their methods work in practice as his house and garden is also
a lab and display area for farming God's way. Then we took a walking trail down
the mountain to see the water pump they use for his entire house. The water is
pumped from the small river flowing from the mountains, through the valley all
the way up to the top where they live. We played around with photos as we
walked down the tropical hill. As I pointed the camera towards oom Jan I saw
something supernatural! He was walking downhill towards the pump in the river.
I thought I was dreaming and called Henru to come and have a look. He confirmed
what I saw! As oom Jan walked a bright light was very visible on the camera
shining from above all over him, but with the naked eye, I saw nothing. I took
it to be the sun rays but as he moved, the light moved with him. It stayed
right on top of him the whole time!
We had a very entertaining time in the mountains
and drank from the pure water in the valley; delicious! Marc showed us around
on the grounds and also showed us different farms with their techniques and the
differences between them. The path back uphill exhausted us and we enjoyed a
cold cooldrink with Marc and his family.
Monday we again departed to Lilongwe to visit our
missionary friends Andrew and Ansie. Unfortunately Ansie was ill and was in
South Africa so we spent the day with Andrew and his mother in law. They
spoiled us as always and it was a blessing to just spend time with them and
pray with them. This was a very relaxed end to three weeks of hard travels
through Tanzania and Malawi. These countries changed my life forever and I am
looking forward to be part of the future of these two great nations. Our God truly
deserves all the glory for these missions! He guided and protected us and He
also spoiled us tremendously! How can we not but fall more and more in love
with our Jesus?!
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