Tuesday, 28 January 2014



On the 3rd of August 2013 Aflame Ministries took a team of six on a life time adventure to India. Some things can just not be explained in words. Our time in India was filled with challenges around every corner, but far above anything else, India was filled with encounters with a God that cares, a God that loves and a God that is with us every step of the way. He is a Father who takes His children by the hand and walk with them, even through the valley of the shadow of death. In His hands we are safe. In His hands we are not lost, but He found us! He is a Father who will never leave us nor forsake us. He is my ABBA!

About three years ago David Hogan came and visited us here in Pretoria, South Africa. With him was a brother Tom from Switzerland. Tom testified on the work they do in the Himalayas and the stories griped my heart. The people in and around the mountains are of the most unreached people in the world and the church there is being persecuted even as you read this. Almost all Christians (real Christians that actually live the Gospel) in these areas have a story where he/she was in a situation(s) where he/she had to flee for their lives or where their life was in danger because of the Gospel. These people together with the underground church of China have long been in my heart. These people to me are the heroes of our faith.  There’s no time for the religious crap of the western world. It’s just you and Jesus and a world that is in desperate need of a Saviour! Fellowship is not just something they do when they feel like it; family in Christ is sometimes the difference between life and death! 


After many connecting flights we finally reached our destination. We landed at Bagdogra Airport in the north east of India where we were greeted by Brother Richard. The plan was to go and minister in other parts of India as well but unfortunately due to strikes that took place in those parts, it was unsafe for us to go there. But our God is faithful and He had other plans for us! We went to a neighbor village named Siliguri. God blessed us on this outreach with real amazing accommodation! We had some time off and went for a walk through the village. Coming from a developed western city, India is not something that we are used to. Our informal settlements here in South Africa prepare you in a sense for this type of stuff but India is just so different! Durban’s humidity feels like dry heat compared to this! There are no road rules and the car’s horn is seen as some form of local language! The sewer systems are sometimes visible and garbage is everywhere. Someone told me before I went that India is an onslaught on all five your senses almost all the time. I quickly saw what he meant! A few years ago we went to Madagascar where the transport system was not something that we are used to and for many of the team members this was a huge challenge. But India is something else! It’s in a total different league when it comes to traffic!

But with all this being said, one phrase I saw on a tourism advert of India kept coming to mind every now and then: INCREDIBLE INDIA! India truly is an amazing place! Tourism is one thing, but when you are there for the Gospel it is just an amazing place! Brother Richard is also just an amazing guy. He travels more than most people I know and have been all over the world. He understands our western world and he really made it very easy for us to visit his country! Henk has been in India before on more than one occasion, and the relationship with brother Richard and his team is something we value and we plan and pray that we will still work with them for many years to come! 

They say that your fears will get you. This I found to be true in India. Sometimes even three times a day! I eat almost anything and there is very little food that I don’t enjoy. One of the more challenging foods for me is chilli or anything that burns. This was my greatest fear before we left on this trip. The Himalayan people love rice and then some spicy meat with the rice. Spicy is one way to look at it, burning fire is another way! That first evening Brother Richard took us for dinner in a local restaurant. What an amazing experience! They have what they call butter naan, which is some sort of wrap or pancake, but it is delicious and very often saved my life! Here I realised what spicy means!

I am writing all this while laughing at myself, but also for a very specific purpose! When we go to other countries, one does not have to go far to find that people are not all like us. In fact, they are very different in their way of thinking and doing things. I believe one of the worst things we can do is criticize them and try to enforce our own culture on them. And this is something that many of us have done throughout the years. The suffering of the food, way of living, sometimes accommodation, toilets and whatever you see as different or worst than what you are used to, becomes a blessing that will flood your eyes with tears when you notice the heart in which the people receive you. Suddenly the sweat of the spicy food becomes irrelevant, the toilets (or lack thereof) becomes something that brings joy and unity to a team. So I can continue on many subjects, but the point remains the same. We were received in love and were made part of a family. They opened their hearts, homes and ministries to us. This is one of the things that keep on blessing me the most on these outreaches, the way people show their love and their hospitality. 

We started in Siliguri with a pastor’s conference. It was the Kingdom worker conference – Himalaya. The theme; The Glorious Church! What an amazing time we had! The first night went very well but we learned very quickly that this is hard ground. Something had to give! We saw some movement of the Holy Spirit but the heavens were not opened like we are used to. The next morning we went back and Henk preached again. This was a real special day. The Lord released a lot of joy! We did four sessions. The very first session, that thing in the spirit broke! The heavens were open and the Holy Spirit was moving freely amongst His people. Henk shared on our identity in Christ the first session where after we laid hands on the people. The people were so open for new revelation! Anita built on this even more in the second session where she taught on God’s government. The presence of God was very intense! Even the angel of India came to the room bringing fresh Word from the Lord to the people. The angel had an assignment and calling written on a scroll with him for the church of India. It was almost too good to be true and my mind kept wanting to reason on what is happening. Luckily we have a very special friend in South Africa (Surpresa Sithole) who hammered this concept into us. God is not seated at the table of reasoning; He is seated at the table of faith. That’s where the feast is! We cannot reason with God. Our minds are not created to understand the things of the Spirit. Our minds must become Christ like! That’s why God created us spirit! Our spirit understands these things. The moment I let my mind go and decided to just focus on God, my spirit could connect with God on a deeper level. This was so special and amazing! 

After lunch I had an opportunity to preach. The idea was to release something about the gifts of the Spirit to the people. But this entire day God did something about the joy we have in Him. Every now and then we all just started laughing! We had such an amazing time! One guy in particular, brother Narinder, enjoyed this very much! He was such a huge blessing for the team! He loved this laughter thing and held nothing back! I preached on how we can encounter God in a more visible way and to not only hear and feel Him, but also see Him! What was amazing is that at one stage things got a bit hectic in the sense that we all just laughed. I didn’t know what to do! It’s difficult to preach a serious message to a laughing crowd! But, luckily our God is in control and He knew exactly what to do. All the sudden a drastic shift came in the atmosphere and I knew God created a moment for me to continue. This was amazing! People had encounters with God and Jesus told each one of us something special about ourselves. He told us what He thought of us! Then we focused on what was happening in the realm of the angels. We asked God to show us. This blew my mind! He showed us angels that came into the room with buckets and buckets of oil. They came and poured the oil out all over us. What else happened I’m not sure, but God was there! We all sat with our eyes closed and then for almost half an hour we started singing together as one voice. Nobody leading worship or anything, just a few individuals sitting and pressing in to God!

Henk had the tough job to come and fix what Anita and I messed up! Just kidding! He preached on the joy of the Lord in the evening session. This was great fun! We need to realise that the demons and them that’s in hell aren’t very happy. Satan never releases joy to his followers! He controls through fear. Joy is from God! The joy of the Lord is our strength! To preach on joy is something that looked challenging to me! It didn’t take too long for the joy of the Lord to appear! I cannot remember the sequence of events that followed, but I know we laughed and laughed and laughed! At one stage everybody in the room jumped together shouting JOY JOY JOY all the time as if cheering their local soccer team! It was beyond warm and we were soaked in our own sweat, but everybody just continued to jump and shout for Jesus! In all of this so called chaos, God came and broke the powers of religion, depression and many other strongholds of darkness. The joy that we have in us as Christians is a weapon against the enemy. We must use it! There’s a Scripture that says that it is the joy that Jesus had within Him, that made Him to endure the cross. I think joy is important to Jesus!  

The next day God had something a bit more serious in mind. He wasn’t in a bad mood or lost His joy, He just blessed us with a different side of His heart. That’s what I love about Jesus! He can be the biggest joker but when the time comes, our God has a very serious side to Him. The morning started off with Henk preaching. In the spirit we sensed the enemy that tries to steal the blessings and other things from the people. This made us angry! Sometimes it is a good thing to let that righteous anger out a bit! Righteous anger is when your anger is based in God’s righteousness, not our own! We need to hate sin. We need to get angry at the enemy and act accordingly! Sometimes warfare is a serious business! We refused to give ground to the enemy! We wept before the Lord, letting Him change our hearts with His heart. Everybody was on their knees in front of God. This was such a precious, holy morning before our Father. There’s not too much to say here. The photos speak a thousand words! To worship God in such an intense way with people that is being persecuted and has to flee for their lives because of the Gospel, is something I will treasure in my heart for eternity! Our emotions just cannot handle all the things of the Spirit. God’s presence sometime is just too overwhelming. I love it!!!

In the afternoon after lunch, Brother Richard shared to us about the different countries and the unreached groups that live there. He has done such intense research about these statistics; it is difficult not to “buy” into his heart for the unreached. I’m all fired up to go! I cannot wait for that day when you walk into a village and be the first to share the Gospel to the people! That will be a good day! All the pastors from Nepal that attended the meeting then came to the front. They shared about the church in Nepal and their challenges. It made us realise that we say cheap stuff here in our free countries. Some things we preach here just would not work that side. What do you say to a pastor who has lost everything? What do you say to someone who has lost loved ones because of the Gospel? What do you say to someone who’s own life and the life of his family is in danger? Suddenly many “difficult” topics from western society, just doesn’t carry that much weight anymore! It was a blessing to hear their testimonies and then afterwards be able to minister to them and pray for them. Tanya and a lady just stood there for almost an hour, just hugging each other. We prayed for the pastors of Nepal and saw how God touched them and strengthened them again to do the good work. How great their reward will be! 

Our visit with Silliguri ended with Tanya releasing an awesome word for the church of India which blessed all of us tremendously. They also gave us presents and prayed for us. We had an amazing time with the pastors and leaders. What an honour to be with the heroes of the Kingdom! Many of these pastors are ex-Al-Qaeda members and took part in building bombs and so forth. Knowing this, and having to meet these people, I will certainly change my prayers. They are people too and Jesus loves them and wants to save them just as He wants to do with all of us!

The last morning in Silliguri we were to have breakfast and then be packed to leave for Bagdogra. Before I can tell you what happened I must first explain something. The Bible says our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:12). I have some knowledge of this and I thought I have had some experience with these forces but India just took it to a whole new level. Now let’s for example take an object, any object like a glass. A glass is a glass and we drink from it. Nothing much to it. But the moment you start to worship the glass, that’s when you empower it with the demonic. Then the glass is not just a glass anymore! Now in India they (Hindu people) worship literally everything. This makes things to be quite interesting in India. The demonic is literally almost everywhere. At night when you sleep you can almost see them flying around. But then in the Name of Jesus they do obey and leave and then I could enjoy a very good night’s sleep! There is also a very strong class system in India. I’m not sure how it works but what I know is that if you are born rich you mix only with rich people and you will die in the same class. The same with the poor, but as I said, I’m not familiar with the details. Now if we talk spiritually this also plays a massive role in India. The demonic strongholds and principalities also work accordingly. It tries to put you in a certain class. In the group (and we were all friends who love the Lord and eachother) we all had our battles to fight. All of us were constantly bombarded with thoughts of “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t belong” or stuff like that. It was this “class spirit” or demon thing that constantly tried to brake our unity and divide the group into different classes. By Gods grace we were victorious and the devil didn’t get what he wanted! We however heard stories of outreach groups that went to India and the picked up scrap and they literally shouted on each other all the way back to their country, even on the plane. The moment they got back home and stepped back on home soil, they realised what was busy happening and the shouting and anger immediately was gone. This might sound strange to you, but this is exactly what we experienced while we were there. The spiritual realm is very real, in fact I believe even more real that this natural realm. There are things happening all around us all the time. But luckily not only bad things! Angels are just as real and also very active and busy all around us all the time.

Now back to our last morning in Silliguri. That morning Anita said she is experiencing heavy attacks from the enemy. Now tannie Anita is an amazing woman and we had a very, very blessed time with her in Mutare, Zimbabwe. She is a massive bole of fire for the Lord. But that morning we struggled to get breakthrough. The team was busy and had to pack and prepare for our next sessions where we will be ministering later that day. Only Tanya and myself were there and able to pray with Anita. We kneeled before the Lord and asked Him what was wrong. Tanya got a vision but I was as closed as can be. It’s as if that one connection with heaven that I have is gone. Its just this oppressing thing pressing down on us. I heard and saw nothing except this evil thing. Then I realised that the situation is not going to change itself. We are at war and it’s time for battle. I got up and started praying out loud. We prayed together and warfared together. As we prayed this thing lifted and then Anita started prophesying into the heavens and then we experienced the presence of God so awesomely. This was such a special experience for me to experience this kind of warfare especially with these two ladies. Loved it!

We then went back to Bagdogra where we were also blessed with amazing accommodation. There is a Bible School there overseen by a Samuel Sengupta and Sunny Biswakarma. The students attend classes’ full time and are fed and looked after. All this is done in faith with zero budget. Their monthly expenses are many with all the mouths to feed but every month God comes through for them. After their training these young students are released to go and minister at the churches in Nepal or then start their own church. It’s truly amazing to see their work and be part of it. Sabie ministered the first session the afternoon. He is such an awesome character! He has this very strong serious message but such a comical way to present it. The people loved him and he was a huge blessing for the team. He is also a professional photographer and it’s because of him that the outreach looked impressive! He captures that perfect moment and one can but stare at one photo for hours at a time. Every photo speaking way more than just a thousand words! 

But this was also Richard’s birthday! We were invited to have dinner with him and his family at their house. What a blessing! Just to be part of their home life, blessed me tremendously! They treated us as if it were our birthday! After dinner Richard received a cake with candles on it that he blew out. They love to bring in colour and small special things with the cake that makes that special difference. One moment during that evening that I will never forget is when Richards’s wife brought his present. Richard was busy being congratulated by all of us and the rest of the family and friends that were there. His wife sort of came in behind him and stood there and waited for her husband. Her eyes and facial expression shouting with anticipation! She couldn’t wait for her husband to see her! Then the moment came, and he turned around. She presented the gift to him. He smiled took it and kissed and hugged her to say thank you. Like a small boy on Christmas he rushed to the couch to open this very special present. While he opened his present, his wife’s face bursted with anticipation! What will her husband say? Will he like it? These were few of the million expressions that came from her body language. He opened it. It was a watch that they could put on their showcase. On the watch was a beautiful photo of Richard and his lovely wife. His eyes suddenly exploded with stars and the joyous expression he gave answered all of his wife’s silent questions! They embraced each other with joy! What a moment between this amazing couple! And what a honour to have been part of such a very special evening!

The following day was a bit of a setback for me. My feet were swollen since we got off the airplane. This morning I thought it will explode. My feet were humongous! Henk suggested that I stay in bed and lie down with my feet in the air. I also got very high blood pressure just before we went to India. So I agreed and stayed behind while the others went out for the day’s ministry. I don’t know why, but always when I’m not there, the group experience lots of deliverance. Many of these youngsters are not saved for long and they come from a Hindu or some other background. Deliverance is a very common thing, especially in these nations. This day was no different! God came and he set many captives free and touched His children with His amazing love through the ministry of the team. Back at the hotel I also had an amazing time! As I lay down with my feet in the air, I pressed into God, not for any reason but just to be with Him and enjoy Him. To just be intimate with the lover of my heart! The afternoon I went with an Indian motorbike to join the team. What an experience! The Indian roads are not for the sensitive, but great fun! Henk, Nicolette and Sabie ministered the afternoon while I went with Anita and Tanya and two local ladies that lead the worship in church, Rita and Ellora, to town to go and buy some presents. These are two anointed and amazing ladies! The girls had fun! They went through the mall’s clothes and just enjoyed looking for gifts. After our shopping experience we head back to the Bible School. There they were busy ministering already to the students and we walked right into a very holy moment. Nicolette did something there that invited the presence of God into the room in a very special way. We immediately started praying for the people with them. The presence of the Lord was so strong and tangible we decided to have a little fun and we prayed for each other as well. I love it to have fun in the presence of my Father. He is a Father who loves to be with His children and have fun with us. It brings joy and honour to Him when we are happy. 

Early the next morning we left for the train station to leave for another village at the Bhutan border called Jaigon. This is where Rita and Ellora live. Bhutan is known for its many persecutions. Many Christians ends up being martyred there. Rita and Ellora felt strong in their heart that we should go there. This wasn’t part of the plan, but we went in any way. Gods plan is far better than our own! And what a blessing it ended to be! The Indian railway system is something that I’ve only see on TV and it wasn’t a very pretty sight! So I was a bit worried and a bit excited to be going on an Indian train! Luckily it wasn’t a train where people sit on the roof. It was way better! Every now and then someone will board and offer you tea or snacks or whatever they sell. Also the people on the train were quite interesting. I remember this beautiful young girl with her boyfriend. Judged by their clothing they were still teenagers. They sat there both with the mobile phones and earphones listening to music. I don’t know what it was about them but it was interesting to just sit and observe their behaviour. Maybe it’s because I saw that teenagers are all the same no matter where you are in the world or the Lord showed me how He saw them or a combination of many things, I don’t know. But just to sit and look at people tells a million stories. Love it! Also the business men that were on their way to a meeting, or the Hindu priest, I don’t know what he was, but all these people grabbed my attention. But whatever the reason, my heart was filled with love for these people. How Jesus sees them and how He loves them is something that will melt the hardest of hearts. His love is just simply irresistible and I was I was filled with beautiful memories of total strangers. We drove through Indian rainforest where elephants and tigers still run wild. The train is quite open, so I had opportunity to stand at the door and enjoy the amazing Indian wildlife. I saw some elephants! But I also had opportunity to just be with the Lord and spend some time with Him. I witnessed the Indian country life and saw the way these people live. Many of their informal settlements flooded with the rain. 

At Jaigon we booked into our hotel. Not as luxurious as the previous two hotels but also not as bad as other places! The weather was extremely hot! We took to the roof of the hotel and looked over Jaigon and Bhutan. It was beautiful! The street life was something else. Cows in the streets, dunghills all over and then again the Indian traffic. Shocking, yet amazing sight! We then went to the Bhutan border. It’s this big gate with dragons and other Indian art all over. The military was there but people of India and Bhutan can freely cross the border. We stood at the border gate, not allowed to enter because of our visas, and we prayed for the country and the church there. It was quite something to pray there. And if you don’t believe in prayer, this was a good place to proof you wrong! That evening one of our team members experienced a demonic attack while sleeping, back at home other team members’ family suffered with babies getting ill and all over in the spirit one could sense the enemy tried to impart fear to us. When we pray, something in the spirit happens, NEVER doubt! The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working] (James 5:16 AMP).  

At the church service later that day, we had a meeting with pastors of Bhutan and in the Jaigon region. The presence of God was there right from the start. In fact the presence was so strong there that I thought this is it! This is the day I’ve dreamed about! When Jesus physically shows up or something that we cannot think or imagine will happen. The worship just increased everything. Then the preaching came and His presence just increased. I mean it was literally everywhere! Then at the end of the preaching and the time for ministering came, I was overwhelmed with joy and expectation! I expected the impossible to happen any moment! And then, suddenly, and I mean almost instantly, the atmosphere changed and it was as if the Lord has never been there. More than half the people got up and walked out. We prayed for a few people and God still touched them and we had a great time, but we were just speechless about what just happened!

The evening some of us (our team) had a very good fellowship session where we just relaxed and had fellowship, just reflecting back on everything. The next morning was the Sunday service but many pastors came back for the service. Again Gods presence was the very tangibly, not as strong as the previous day, but still very strong. And again the worship picked up and the atmosphere just got more filled with the Holy Spirit. After the worship the kids went out of the church with Tanya and I also had opportunity to share a brief message. Tanya had fun with the kids and Henk preached. The presence of God again increased and at the end of the preaching again I thought this might be it! This might be the moment we have dreamed about! But the memory of the previous day was still fresh in our minds. I didn’t know what to expect! And sure as can be, again, when we started with ministry and praying for the people, the presence of God almost disappeared again immediately and totally. And again many got up and started leaving the church. I was shocked! I couldn’t believe my eyes! But then, just before the atmosphere disappeared completely, from the back of the church came the children. They came to the front for prayer and we were just too happy to pray with them! Then as the children came forward the atmosphere exploded with the Holy Spirit! His presence was as tangible as ever before! It’s as if we could literally touch Him! The children were just amazing! God enjoyed them so much! He touched them and blessed them (and us!). It was such a special moment that it is difficult to describe. We had mixed emotions, joy with tears, love and just pure enjoyment and also tears to know these kids circumstances. The lesson God showed us hear was very deep and very special. The pastors left because they didn’t want to be ministered to. Because you are a church leader, it’s humiliating to go to the front and receive prayer. This attitude “killed” the Holy Spirit instantly. It stopped Him in His tracks immediately. God is love. Love demands free will. God will never go against our free will. Our free will has the power to stop even God, yet alone the devil. He will not come to us if we don’t want Him. Not because He doesn’t have the power, but because it’s an act outside of love, and our God truly is love! Everything He is and does is from and in love. But when we come to Him like the little children, and not as leaders filled with pride, it brings Him great joy! This is when we will see His fullness and shear awesomeness! This is when Creator and creation truly will enjoy each others’ presence. This taught me a lesson I will never forget and by His grace, will always be part of my life, just to be like a little child, for to them belongs the Kingdom of heaven.

After the service we drove back by car to Bagdogra, also through the tropical forest. The Indian nature scene is absolutely spectacular and at one stage we stopped next to a huge river just before crossing Tiger Bridge. They’ve got these strange looking monkeys there that are beyond vicious! They have no fear of humans and attack humans for food. This also gave us a good laugh, when the monkeys charged us! We enjoyed our last night together with Richard and his team. The next morning we flew back to Dubai via Dehli. At Dubai the three ladies later took a flight back to South Africa and we three men got on the plane again to head for our next adventure, Pakistan…

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