Friday, 21 June 2013

Mission: India and Pakistan


Ons kaartjies vir Indie en Pakistan in Augustus volgende maand is bespreek! 3-17 Augustus! Die Here het vir ons awesome Woord gegee en ons verwag groot dinge gaan gebeur!

Ek was nou in Zimbabwe ook gewees op 'n uitreik en die Here het die mense van Mutare en ons as span se lewe kom om dop! Dowes hoor weer, en baie ander bo-natuurlike genesings het ons eerstehands beleef! Die Here het ook baie mense uit die mag van die duister kom bevry. Ons was in 'n village gewees (Potcha) wat heeltemal onbereik was en die chief en sy familie was een van baie wat hulle harte vir die Here gegee het. Die chief het ook n massiewe stuk grond aan die kerk geskenk waarop hulle nou n kerk geplant het. Daar is ook sprake van 'n hospitaal en sendingsopleidings sentrum op die grond! Die getuienisse bly in kom!

In Indie en Pakistan gaan ons baie belê in die pastore wat reeds daar werk. Ons vertrou die Here vir groot deurbrake in hulle bedienings. Ons sal ook baie saam met hulle in die strate gaan bedien. Ons beleef altyd baie wonderwerke so in die strate! Daar is selfs 'n goeie moontlikheid dat ons "open air crusades" gaan hou. Dan is ons in die ope besig om die evangelie in n hindu/moslem land te verkondig! Die Here se hart gaan uit vir daardie mense en ek weet dat ek weet hierdie gaan verseker een van die hoogte punte in my lewe wees! Die tyd vir speel is verby! Ek raak honger en desperaat om die Here meer real te beleef as ooit van te vore!

Alle uitreike word uit 'n verhoudings basis gedoen. Indie was al deur Aflame Ministries besoek in die verlede en die verhouding met die pastore aan daardie kant is iets wat al oor 'n paar jaar groei. Pakistan is 'n eerste vir ons almal! Ons het 'n oop deur gekry agv die verhoudings wat ons het met die pastore aan daardie kant. So ons visie is verseker langtermyn om die Christene in daardie omstandighede te kan ondersteun en bystaan. Hierdie mense is al almal op 'n stadium vervolg agv hulle geloof in Jesus en baie moes al vlug. 

Dit is vir my op alle areas onmoontlik om hierdie trip alleen aan te pak. Ek kort asseblief so veel bystand moontlik! Heel eerstens is my behoefte gebed. Ons het iemand wat ons gebedspan lei en sy sal alle gebedsversoeke en Woord deur kommunikeer. Hierdie is vir ons heavy belangrik! Dan is finansies ook 'n uitdaging vir my persoonlik maar ook vir die span. Ek kort R22 000 vir die trip. Dit sluit alles in! Dan kort ons as span ook 'n redelike bedrag van omtrent R70 000. Die rede vir dit is dat ons die mense daardie kant moet kos gee en vervoer sou ons hulle by 'n crusade of so wil hê. Die armoede in daardie lande is nie geken in Suid Afrika nie. Dis armoede op n heel nuwe vlak. Ons wil graag maksimum impak maak deur hulle op so veel moontlik areas te seën.

Hier is hoe jy kan betrokke raak; EERSTENS vra ek dat elkeen ten minste sal bid oor die saak en by die Here hoor oor hoe en waar jy kan betrokke raak. As jy wil saam bid, sal ek jou besonderhede vir ons gebedspan gee en hulle sal jou kontak. Ons is besig om die kommunikasielyne vir die gebed reg te kry. Dan as jy finansieel wil betrokke raak kan jy geld in Aflame Ministries se rekening oor betaal. Aflame is 'n NPO, sou daar besighede wees wat belasting voordeel soek. Enige bedrag, groot en klein word HOOGS waardeer! Indien die borg vir my as persoon is, sit net asb MartinIndie as verwysing. Volg asb hierdie link vir meer inligting:

As jy van mense weet wat wil/kan betrokke raak stuur asb vir hulle die boodskap! Ek vertrou dat elkeen vir wie ek hierdie mail stuur jy n bo-natuurlike ontmoeting met Jesus sal he en mag Hy al meer 'n werklikheid word in jou lewe! Die oes is ryp en die werk is baie!

Baie dankie!

Martin de Jager
076 435 9001

Mission: India and Pakistan
Hi friends,

I trust that you are all doing well. We are very excited about our upcoming outreach to India and Pakistan from the 3rd to the 18th of August 2013. So far we are a team of 5 members that will go to West Bengal, India for 9 days and then three of the men will be going to Lahore, Pakistan for the remainder of the time. During this time we will be conducting leader’s seminars, open air crusade meetings and practical street ministry training for Bible School students. We are expecting to reach about 200+ leaders in these two nations through the seminars and training.

West Bengal is one of the most unreached areas in the world and Pakistan is a 95% Islam nation. We trust the Lord to impact many and to equip leaders and see a harvest of souls come in.

These are also some of the poorest nations in the world. The churches in these nations struggle to survive financially and when we minister in these nations the cost of the conferences, crusades and our own travel cost is on the visitors. We need about R70 000 to fund the ministry aspect (conference, crusade and seminars) of the trip. Our travelling cost will be another R75 000 for the team.

Each team member trusts the Lord for his own provision for the trip. However, I would like to ask you to pray about partnering with us financially for this outreach. All funds received will be invested in this outreach for the ministry cost within the nations and for our travelling cost. Any extra funds will be donated to the ministries in India and Pakistan or kept for our next outreaches. Any amount will be helpful to assist us in accomplishing the work in Southern Asia.
You can make use of the following banking account number with reference “India&Pakistan”:
Aflame Ministries, Standard Bank Cheque Account No.: 303204214, Branch: Castle Walk 014645

Thank you for your heart, we really need your prayer above all.

If you need any further details feel free to contact me.

Kind Regards

Martin de Jager
Aflame Ministries

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Outreaches for second half of 2013

2013 is a year where God is really taking me deeper into my calling in Christ Jesus who called me to be a field worker in His Kingdom taking the Gospel where ever I go. As I'm typing this I am on my way back from Namibia. Had an amazing time there and experienced God in awesome ways. Also met a pastor on the plane flying to Namibia who just started a church in Windhoek. The opportunities in Namibia are huge! The people are open and hungry for more of God! 

The 24th of June I’m leaving on an outreach to Zimbabwe again with friends from the school of supernatural. I can feel in my heart that we are going to have an amazing time with Jesus! Then in August this year we are a team that will be going to India to preach the Gospel. We have relationship with a church there. After India two or three of us will stay behind and do a first time outreach in Pakistan. This trip really excites me! Over there is where we will see God in new and awesome ways!

These two outreaches are confirmed and I have peace in my heart that God wants me to go on these outreaches. I want to ask you to partner with us for these trips. Financially it is my most challenging outreach but our Father always provides! Cost for Zimbabwe is R3800 en for India and Pakistan is R15 000 for the airplane tickets. The money must be paid end of June to book our flights. Please pray with us, preparing the ground in the spirit before we go. Let me know if God tells you something! For more info please visit

Then there are two more outreaches that are not confirmed yet in the natural, but I have peace over these two outreaches as well. The first will be in September or November some time to Tanzania. I want to visit a friend of mine who I haven’t met yet! We have been building relationship for more than a year now and I have sent a team there last year with the MIA outreaches. They are very eager to receive us! Then I met a man that is doing outreaches to the Amazons for many years now. His testimonies are awesome and it stirred something in my heart for the people that are totally unreached. Many of them never saw a cow before! God is doing many supernatural things there and I would love to part of what’s happening there. This will be early 2014 sometime. 

Please pray with me for these outreaches as well and partner with me how ever you can to be part of what God is doing all over the world! Exciting times!