South Africa is united with Israel because of the God of Israel. The current so-called leadership of South Africa is however against the God of Israel and they openly worship demonic idols (including mohammed and alla).
This is not a direct prophetic word, but Biblically and historically i want to make the following declaration:
"The ANC and EFF will not only be removed from all forms of power, they will be no more. Don't think because it doesn't happen now that God allows it or even more ridiculously supports the SA government. He is gracious and allowing sufficient time for repentance and intercession. God will be awake over His Word and His Word clearly warns us to not go against Israel."
So as a born-again Christian from South Africa, I want to sincerely ask for forgiveness and repent on behalf of our government. May God have mercy on the guilty souls.
Mr Ramaphosa, you know the Truth and He has given you the seat of authority over His beloved nation South Africa. God has released His promises over SA and He will make it happen. Nothing you can do to stop it. Mr Ramaphosa, the church invited you to prayer meetings for our nation. You didn't come. You went to pray with the moslems instead. Jesus gave you a word before He elected you to be the president of South Africa. The Word was in short; Allign with God's plans and purposes for South Africa, or He will remove you. You or either with God or against Him. 2020 was your opportunity to obey the one true living God. You chose mamon and the fear of man. God will remove you based on His Word. May Jesus have mercy on your soul.
Then on a fleshly note, it gives me a strange joy to see this government taking Israel to court. They firstly declare war against the God of Israel (PS; He has never lost a battle and He never will), they also expose their double standards for all to see, and they exposed their true hearts and plans for all to see. So, because of this government's demonic worship, corruption, criminal activities and agendas, i gladly encourage you to go on and fight with Israel. God will judge you, not just man. And you will soon learn the fear of the Lord the hard way. May Jesus do not delay His judgment any longer than what He sees as necessary and not give the enemy anything more than what is necessary. May Jesus, in His great mercy and undeserving favor, pour out His Spirit in South Africa just as He promised.
May the great harvest begin!