Saturday, 31 August 2019

New wine skin

I believe we as the body of Christ is in a time where God is purifying the bride of Jesus. He is looking for a pure and holy bride. A bride that will radiate His glory to a fallen world. Clean hands and pure hearts are key! The last couple of years the Lord has been preparing the ground. He has been ploughing and digging deeper. He has planted the seed of His Word, the seed of His revelation for this season. Unless a grain of seed falls in the ground and dies, it cannot live and grow to bring forth fruit. I believe we are now in the season of germination.
For germination to start the seed must die. Repentance is key in this season. Recognition is not repentance. Repentance is to turn your back on sin (be dead to it) and to turn towards Truth and embrace the Truth. As we allow the love of God behind our walls and masks, He starts transforming us. He exposes the darkness (sin) in our lives in order to establish the new wine skin in our lives, our identity in Christ, our spirit being.

We have been programmed by a consumer driven world where the needs of the consumer are the main focus. We see ourselves as consumers and that our needs are demands for others to meet. The problem is when the church does the same. When we see our members or the Sunday crowd as consumers, we are automatically driven to meet their needs and expectations. We bend the rules in order to meet their needs. I believe if we lift Jesus up, He will draw ALL men unto Him. We need to preach the Gospel again and make the Presence of God our focus and heart's desire. When Holy Spirit is truly present, no explanation is needed!

Many of us went off to chase the latest revelations of others. I believe people who do that are like running beggars running and begging to eat the scrap of other people's plates. It's not that new revelation is wrong or even sharing our revelations with each other. We need to do so! But when it becomes our idol it is a problem. We forget that the Gospel in its simplicity is the Power of God unto Salvation. The Power of God is what we need! The Gospel enable us to be dead to sin and alive to Christ; dead to our old nature and rooted in our identity in Christ.

I mentioned that I believe we are in a season of germination. The 1st step in germination is that the seed needs to split open. We need to be broken vessels before the Lord. Humility is everything! To be open means to be honest, to be transparent. To let go of the masks and be truthful to yourself. Holy Spirit helps us with this as we allow His love to infiltrate our hearts and lives even deeper. Allow His love to break open our hardened hearts and let Love renew us and transform us.

The second step in germination is that roots begin to grow downwards and a shoot begins to grow upward. It's only when we are broken vessels that the Christ in us is being revealed. We need to be open books! Christianity is not just my personal thing for me. A light was never meant to be placed under the table. It's meant to shine and give light! Our roots need to be Truth, the Word of God. Our job is to only but to present ourselves before our Lord as a living sacrifice and be rooted in Him even deeper than before. As we step into this place of openness and allow the Christ in us to shine through us, we will see growth.


May Holy Spirit help us to die to pride, selfishness, self-righteousness, unforgiveness, bitterness, offense and all the other fruits of the flesh described in Galatians 5. And then may the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead be fully alive in us and through us so that the Power of God can return to His church in Jesus Name!

We are standing at a fork in the road. The one road is to do business as usual and the other road is the road of true repentance. We are in a season where there is a Grace for deep and true repentance. The reason for this is so that we can become the new wine skin that is needed for God in the season to come. I am not talking about salvation. I am talking about God is going to pour out His Spirit like never before upon us. The new wine is coming! No event in history can compare to what God has got installed for us. When the new wine is poured out, the new wine skins will be the carriers of His Glory. Those who are still stuck in their old wine skins will not be able to prosper in the season to come. Their wine skins will burst! The love of God is busy penetrating deeper into our hearts than ever before. He is after those areas in our hearts that we have buried and left it forgotten. Jesus wants your whole heart! 99.9% is not enough! The love of God will renew those areas in our lives and restore us in full. The joy of the Lord will strengthen us to face the challenges of darkness and enable us to destroy it. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is also back in the church to help us with the repentance. 

In our ministry we are focusing again on the simplicity and basics of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We regularly do camps/conferences with leaders and other brothers and sisters in the Lord.  The heart is to train and equip the people with a deep understanding about the Gospel. Practical and personal! We share on the Father's heart, the Power of the cross of Jesus, the importance of forgiveness, inner healing and deliverance, Holy Spirit and baptism in the Holy Spirit, how to enter and stay in the rest of God.  The Power that we witness during these camps/conferences is amazing! We regularly receive testimonies of people that say that they have never experienced Peace like this before, or people will testify about the weightiness of the Presence of God. What this is telling me is that we do not need to be fancy in any way, we simply need Jesus. Holy Spirit is more than Powerful to get the job done!

It is time to repent for the Kingdom of God is here!

God bless you