for 2017/2018 - Martin de Jager
South Africa is at a turning
point where we can go either down, or revival will break out. 22 April 2017
more than a million people gathered together near the center of our country on
a farm near Bloemfontein to pray, repent and seek the Lord. The church (body of
Christ) drew a line in the sand and declared into the heavens that enough is
enough! After this event many prayer initiatives arose and one can feel hope
arising in the people all around our nation. People are praying more and in my
own life God has really placed it on my heart to pray more intercessory
prayers. I am aware of a few of these prayer initiatives that arose. The one is
where we pray 3 times a day for 21 days like Daniel did. On the second day of
this prayer journey, I believe I received this revelation from the Lord.
Firstly they kept mentioning
the 70 years that Jeremiah prophesied over Israel as the time they would be in
captivity in Babylon. Almost everywhere else I read, I saw the writers
mentioning these 70 years. My wife and I are on a bit of a sabbatical so we
have some spare time to press in and read a lot! Daniel knew Jeremiah's
prophesy and he knew the time was ready for the Word of the Lord to come into fulfillment and he prayed accordingly. When we pray we need to know where we are
on "God's timeline" and then
pray according to His will and purposes. When we pray God's will, He always
responds with a big yes and amen! I looked up what the number 70 means in the
prophetic dream dictionary from Martin van der Merwe:
- · Descendant - A descendant of Israel, number of Jerusalem, an elder (Ex 15; Deut 10:22; Ex 24:1,9; Num 11:16,24)
- · Perfect spiritual order - It can signify perfect spiritual order. Someone who is prepared to risk all in the destruction of idolatry and carrying it out with spiritual power and significance (a son of Gideon) (Judg 8:30; Judg 9:2)
- · Lifetime - A lifetime (Dan 9:24; Ps90:10)
- · Accepted offer - A complete and accepted offering (2 Chron 29:32, Num 7:13)
- · Apostolic office - Can symbolize a call to an apostolic office, prior to increase (Luk 10:1,17)
- · Idolatrous elders - Can point to idolatrous elders (Ez 8:11)
- · Trial - A period of captivity (Jer 25:11), of trial and mourning (Gen 50:3; Is 23:15,17; Jer 25:11; Dan 9:2; Zech1:12; Zech 7:5)
- · Ill treatment - Ill treatment of leaders (Judg 1:7)
Then two verses in the Bible
also were "highlighted" to me (I read from The Passion Translation)
- · Proverbs 20:17 - What you obtain dishonestly may seem sweet at first, but sooner or later you'll live to regret it (The bread of falsehood may taste sweet at first, but afterward you'll have a mouth full of gravel)
- · Proverbs 20:18 - If you solicit good advice, then your plans will succeed. So don't charge into battle without wisdom, for wars are won by skillful strategy.
Proverbs 2017 and 2018!
Seven is the number for perfection and eight is the number for new beginnings! I
also know that during 2018, Israel celebrates their 70th year of being a country
again as they received independency in 1948. I also searched on the internet for what else
happened in 1948. I found that in 1948 (May 26) we, South Africa, had an
election that changed this country! The government party that won the election
was the people who implemented the "Apartheid" system in South
Africa. This was very interesting to me! Apartheid is a well known word and
everybody around the world is make to believe just how evil the Apartheid
government was in South Africa. And I agree! Apartheid was bad! But I also
believe that Apartheid has not ended in South Africa. Just because it isn't on
paper, doesn't mean it doesn't exists! I believe we are in reverse Apartheid.
The new government, especially the current one and other political parties in
our parliament, still blame the Apartheid government for what happened and why
the poor people are still poor. They fail to mention the extreme riches they
all received (not even legally) since they have taken power. They keep the
masses in the dark only to enrich themselves. The youth also still rebels
against Apartheid, and they were not even a part of it! Now I know that these
last few sentences is only my opinion (although they are all proven facts), and
that it does not paint the full picture of our beautiful nation. During the
Apartheid government, and I believe even more so post-Apartheid, black, white,
brown and every other color of skin, has learned not only to share the same
piece of earth, but also to love each other!
I asked the Lord what all of
this mean, and this is what I feel Holy Spirit revealed to me thus far:
During 2017 I want to align
My people in My Wisdom. I want them to seek Wisdom and learn to love Wisdom.
Seek Wisdom in every situation, especially the emotional ones! Learn to keep
your mouths shut, and first come to Me for My Wisdom. No one charges into
battle without Wisdom, for wars are won by skillful strategy. In 2017 I will
align My church and then in 2018, after 70 years of bondage, I will pour out My
Spirit on South Africa and a great harvest will come into My Kingdom. The fire
will burn from the south and it will spread out north over the entire continent
of Africa and even further. I will make a new covenant with My people. I will
put My law in their minds and write it on their hearts, and I will be their
God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor,
and every man his brother, saying "Know the Lord", for they all shall
know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I
will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more. I have
accepted their offer as they cried out to Me and I will restore the spiritual
order over South Africa according to My desires and plans. No longer will the
plans of the people, even My church, be relevant before My eyes, as they have
cried out for My plans and My will to be done. And this I shall do! The lie of
the leviathan spirit will be fully exposed and My lovers will have the
God-given authority and Wisdom to confront the snake head on and demolish it.
The order of My Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy will be established in
the land once again. Many people have crushed the poor in order to obtain riches. None of
it went unnoticed by Me. I will release a spirit of regret over them that will
leave a taste of gravel in their mouths. Even their words will be full of
drought! So My invitation stands, as there still is time, come and align
yourself and your household with My divine will and plan over your life. The
spirit of Elijah is at hand as I am turning the hearts of the fathers to their
children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. As you align yourself
with Me, you will see as I see and you will be witnesses as the Word becomes
flesh once again...