Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Zambia Easter Outreach April 2016

We had an amazing time in Zeerust, Cape Town and Bloemfontein. The Lord showed up in a very tangible and Powerful way and I believe we are in for a Glorious time in the Kingdom! No eye has seen, no ear has heard! My admin has suffered with everything that happened over the last few months; I will get it up to date asap so that you too can share in the goodness of what our Father has done the last few months!

But the Kingdom is an advancing Kingdom and the Lord is picking up speed and we want to stay with Holy Spirit every step of the way! We are off to Zambia on the 10th of April till the 18th. After we presented the School of Supernatural end of 2015, the youth of Zambia came to the leaders and presented them with a plan to reach the unsaved. You can read more on this movement on how they reached over half a million people in two weeks on my blog.

We will have a conference yet again (also celebrating Easter during our time there) where my heart is to pray with them for even more fire from the Lord. I'm trusting God for a massive outpouring of Power during our time there. My heart these days is only after the presence of God! If you want to invest into what God is doing in Zambia, please do so with a joyful heart! It is very good ground! This is how you can invest: You can come with on an outreach, You can pray with us all the way throughout our outreach and/or you can sow financially. The cost thus far is quite high as we assist with the food and transportation costs.  Please make use of Zituta Ministries' bank account and use the reference Zambia please!
Zituta Ministries
FNB Cheque
Account number: 6257 3030 154
B/C: 252445

Please contact me and tell me how and where you feel like contributing. The prayer team will receive a daily broadcast message via Whats App to communicate to keep us all up to date. Then, with all my heart, I want to thank all of you for playing such a huge part in my journey with the Lord. May He bless you far above your wildest dreams!


Zituta Ministries