Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Orphan spirit vs sonship

ORPHAN SPIRIT.-How to identify it

In June 2014, I shared a little on the ORPHAN SPIRIT.
It is a spirit that is permeating the Body of Christ and bringing a lot of damage and confusion in the Body of Christ.

In the writing below, I shared a little on what the Spirit of the Lord has shown me concerning those with the symptoms of those with an "orphan spirit" and have then supplemented this writing with a great  article by Joseph Mattera from Charisma magazine.
This article goes in GREAT detail to distinguish between the ORPHAN spirit and the spirit of SONSHIP!

Enjoy the reading and I pray it will be helpful to many of us!

June 2014,
I've been sitting the whole day putting finishing touches to the new book I had the privilege of just completing and the Lord placed these two words in my spirit-

I then asked the Lord-What about it Father? and He told me to put a post on my Fb wall on it.

Beloveds, it has come to my attention that there are many of us in the Body of Christ that are suffering from an orphan spirit.

An orphan spirit usually takes root after a person has suffered rejection or abandonment either by a parent, spouse or otherwise.

One of the signals I have personally observed in someone suffering from an orphan spirit is that there is a tendency to move from spiritual parent to spiritual parent frequently and often.

This individual will keep always be on the lookout for another spiritual parent, even when they have a good spiritual parent.
The problem or challenge is not so much with the parent.
The real challenge is that there is a sense of insecurity which needs to be dealt with along with its related issues. Unless these issues are dealt with and cut off at the root, they will keep on endlessly searching for a spiritual parent who will,

1) not introduce any level of accountability , and
2) fit in with THEIR idea of what a spiritual parent should be and approve everything they do. If the spiritual parent/mentor does not approve all that they do and validate them in the manner that THEY seek to be approved and validated, they will be in search of a new "spiritual Parent/mentor/covering".

I found this excellent article in Charisma magazine which is written by an author I respect, so instead of spending more time talking about the orphan spirit and how to identify it, I invite you to read this article for yourself, which is in my view very well written, especially since it benchmarks the orphan spirit agains a "son of God:, which is what we should all be aspiring to be.
I hope that you will enjoy reading this article and that for some of you, it will answer some questions you have been having and for others yet, it will provide some great ILLUMINATION and spiritual insight for you that will change your walk with Christ into a more victorious one!
Love you lots!

Ever since Adam and Eve were alienated from God the Father in the Garden of Eden, an orphan spirit has permeated the earth, causing untold damage! (By “orphan,” I am referring to a sense of abandonment, loneliness, alienation and isolation.) Almost immediately after the fall in Eden, the fruit of this orphan spirit resulted in jealousy, culminating in Cain murdering his brother Abel because God the Father didn’t receive Cain’s offering. To make matters worse, in contemporary society, with the breakup of the nuclear family, large amounts of people are not only alienated from God but are brought up without the loving care and security of their biological fathers.

I believe all of the emotional, physical and spiritual ills of society can be traced to humans feeling alienated from God and their biological fathers. Orphaned men have a hard time connecting to their spouses, their children, those in spiritual authority and their supervisors, and they have a hard time accepting and loving themselves. There are presently millions of incarcerated men who are acting out lives of violence and rebellion because their earthly fathers abandoned them. There are churches filled with pastors and leaders who use people and destroy relationships because they are driven to succeed, and it’s due to their need for a father’s affirmation—which is a hole too large for ministry success or performance to fill.

The only way to break this orphan spirit is for people to be filled with a sense of the Father’s love for them in Christ, which then enables them to become mature sons who serve God out of knowledge of His undeserved grace instead of trying to earn the Father’s love through performance.

The orphan spirit is perhaps the greatest curse on the earth today. It will take spiritual parents with great spiritual depth and authority to break and reverse this curse to perpetuate a generational blessing. Only when a person is healed of fatherlessness through the love of God is the orphan spirit broken so they can begin the process of entering mature sonship. Sonship is so important that all creation is presently crying out for the manifestation of the mature sons of God (Rom. 8:19)!

The following 11 traits contrast the orphan spirit from the spirit of sonship:

1. The orphan spirit operates out of insecurity and jealousy. The spirit of sonship functions out of love and acceptance.
Those with an orphan spirit are constantly battling jealousy and insecurity, since security originates in a secure relationship with our parents. Those with an orphan spirit are so insecure, they even have a hard time hearing a biological or spiritual father praise their siblings or co-laborers. But those with the spirit of sonship are so secure in the Father’s love and favor that they’re content to serve in any capacity needed, whether or not they are in charge or celebrated in the process.
2. The orphan spirit is jealous of the success of his brothers. The mature son is committed to the success of his brothers.
Those with an orphan spirit are happy when their brother fails because it makes them feel good about themselves. On the other hand, those with the spirit of sonship joyfully commit themselves to serve, celebrate and help their brothers succeed, since they don’t work for human accolades but out of a deep sense of the love and affirmation of Father God.

3. The orphan spirit serves God to earn the Father’s love. The mature son serves God out of a sense of divine acceptance and favor.
Along these lines, those with an orphan spirit are constantly striving and trying to earn the Father’s love through accomplishment in ministry or career. Those with a spirit of sonship already know they are accepted in Christ and serve others out of the abundance of this acceptance.

4. The orphan spirit tries to medicate its deep internal alienation through physical stimulation. The mature son walks in the joy and presence of the Lord for comfort.
Those with an orphan spirit are constantly trying to push down their sense of alienation, loneliness and lack of self-worth through constant work, going from one relationship to the next, physical gratification and a life of narcissism and self-indulgence. However, the more they indulge, the more addicted they become and the larger the hole in their heart becomes because only the love of the Father can fill the deep emotional needs they have.
Those walking in sonship bask in the presence and love of God and practice the joy of the Lord continually as their source of strength because they understand that grounding their security and self-life in anything other than God is like trying to build a house on sinking sand.

5. The orphan spirit is driven by the need for success. The Spirit leads the mature son into his calling and mission.
Many attempt to accomplish great things to satisfy the deep yearning in their hearts for their father’s approval. This results in them being driven to succeed instead of being led by the Spirit. Even many leaders get their churches into huge debt to build huge buildings, driving the people around them because they are blinded by their own innate feelings of inadequacy. They think they can feel good about themselves with great accomplishments.
Only those with a strong sense of sonship will allow the Lord to direct them and bring opportunities to them without trying to drum up their own success.

6. The orphan spirit uses people as objects to fulfill goals. Mature sons serve people to bless the kingdom.
Those with an orphan spirit tend to use people as objects to accomplish their goals. Whenever we objectify people, we manipulate them with words threats, and anything necessary to have our way and control them. Mature people who walk in sonship don’t use people; they serve and release people to fulfill their destiny in Christ.

7. The orphan spirit repels children. The spirit of sonship attracts children.
Leaders and parents with an orphan spirit are constantly in turmoil, fighting and striving for their own way, which gives their spiritual children the sense that their leader is in competition with them instead of loving them. This results in repelling spiritual and biological children, which can forfeit influence over the next generation! Those who walk in sonship walk in the Father’s anointing and draw children toward them because their children hear the voice of a shepherd who cares for them.

8. The orphan spirit has anger and fits of rage. The spirit of sonship rests in the Father’s ability to control and guide the future.
Those with an orphan spirit have issues with uncontrollable anger, fits of rage and other forms of manipulation because they feel they must control others and their circumstances in order to fulfill their goals. This is because they lack the trust necessary in their heavenly Father to guide and control their future.
Those walking in sonship walk in the Father’s rest and have ceased from their own works so the Father can have His way in their lives.

9. The orphan spirit is always in competition with others. The spirit of sonship is always blessing others.
Those with an orphan spirit are always trying to outdo others in their church, family, business or denomination because they receive their identity through being better than everyone else. Those who walk in sonship are constantly seeing how they can bless others, since they already have the affirmation of God in their souls. They want to freely share His love with others.

10. The orphan spirit lacks self-esteem. The spirit of sonship walks in the love and acceptance of Father God.
Those with an orphan spirit have a hard time loving and accepting themselves. Those walking in sonship are filled with a sense of divine love and acceptance that enables them to walk confidently in the joy of the Lord in spite of the fact that all humans are sinners and fall short of the glory of God.

11. The orphan spirit receives its primary identity through material possessions, physical appearance and activities. The spirit of sonship is grounded in sonship and the Father’s affirmation.
Those with an orphan spirit never have enough career success, material possessions, pleasure or illicit relationships to satisfy the hole in their heart related to their identity. Consequently, they are constantly striving to gain satisfaction through the use of various things or people in their lives. In many cases, even their form of dress—including an inordinate amount of tattoos, skin piercings and hairdos—can be their way of standing out as unique in a cry for attention due to a lack of self-esteem and fatherly affirmation.
Those who walk in sonship are so grounded in their divine Father’s affirmation that they can be satisfied serving in the background and can celebrate the success and attention others receive. The void in their soul has already been filled with the unconditional love of the Father.

In conclusion, the greatest gift known to humankind is to accept, receive and walk in the love of the Father, who so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that we may not perish or waste our lives away but experience the abundant life that only our divine Father can give.

This article originally appeared on
Joseph Mattera has been in full-time ministry since 1980 and is currently the presiding bishop of Christ Covenant Coalition and the overseeingbBishop of Resurrection Church in New York, a multiethnic congregation of 40 nationalities. He has hosted his own radio show, Light Your City, and a weekly cable television program, The Ekklesia. He is the author of four theological books on the kingdom of God, entitledRuling in the Gates (2003), Kingdom Revolution (2009), Kingdom Awakening (2010) and Walk in Generational Blessings (2012).

Friday, 18 November 2016

Now I shall Bless this Nation

Prophecy by Marc Bredenkamp on 18 October 2016:

“I have received your offering,” says the Lord, “I have received your praise. I have received your thanksgiving, and I have received your prayers. Therefore because of this weekend, I shall bring the winds of change, it shall be multiplied, it shall be accelerated, and My power, My Son, yes He shall no longer be denied, no He shall no longer be denied His rightful place. For it was touch and go, My child, it was touch and go, but because you have prayed, because you have praised, because you have rejoiced, because you have given, and cried out to Me, I have answered you, yes,” says the Lord, “I have answered you. Did I not say, did I not say that if you would cry out to Me, I would hear and answer from heaven and show you great and mighty things, that I would yet do, and things that are to come?”

“Now know this one thing, that which the enemy erected, that which the enemy established, that testified against you in this nation, that witnessed against you, that power over this nation has been broken, and surely the prophets shall arise in South Africa and once again they shall prophesy from candlestick to fire, and so it shall be that the Lion of the tribe of Judah, He shall roar, He shall roar, and you shall know that I am praise, that I, that I am the Lord. And surely you shall know, surely you shall know that I have answered your prayers,” says the Lord, “that which has stood against you, has been removed. Now watch,” says the Lord, “as My people in this nation get behind My utterances in this hour, it shall be like a snowball. It has begun,” says the Lord, “and surely it shall pick up speed, and there shall be an acceleration, for I say to you in this hour, yes I say to you even in this nation South Africa that I have demolished the strongholds, yes I have, and I have brought satan down, and I have placed him underneath your feet. And how I long for that day, how I long for that day when My Son’s enemies shall yet be made His footstool, and so it shall be in this hour,” says the Lord, “prepare yourselves, prepare yourselves for an outpouring of rain, even as you shall see an outpouring of physical rain so this shall be a sign to you that both the natural drought, and the spiritual drought in this nation, in My land and in this church, it has been broken,” says the Lord.

“I have removed the curse, for now I shall bless this nation. I shall bless My people, for they have humbled themselves, they have prayed and they have turned from their wicked ways, and did I not say, that if you would do this, did I not say that I would hear, and I would answer you, and I would heal your land? And so it is,” says the Lord, “watch, watch how I shall cause great shakings, great disturbances, things shall begin to take place in the next 6 months, yes even in the next 3 months,” says the Lord, “things shall begin to take place that shall astound many. And even the media shall say, ‘this has never, ever happened before.’ Even the media shall say, ‘this is unusual, this is unprecedented.’ And so it is,” says the Lord, “that I shall turn things around for you. For have I not said this nation is My nation, this land is My land? And so it shall be that you must prepare yourselves, for an outpouring of My Spirit, that I might empower you to fulfill My will and desire in this hour, to take a great harvest. And so it is that I shall touch many in this day, for I
have found those, yes who would stand in the gap, that I might not destroy the land.
“And now,” says the Lord, “My light shall burn bright, yes even as fire in the night, and once again My people shall be on fire, with a passion for Me, and I shall cause Many hearts to return to Me, and I shall cause them to come, and as they turn to Me, surely I shall turn to them.” Says the Lord. “For even in this night I have seen you, yes even in this place, and I have seen how you have returned to Me, and so I return to you, now watch,” says the Lord, “I shall do remarkable things, yes even in your education systems, I shall change it,” says the Lord, “over the next 3 years. For where there was no will there shall be will, where there was no way there shall be a way, where there was no truth there shall be truth, where there was no true authority there shall be.”

“Because of your prayers, My words shall surely come to pass, in your lifetime, for have I not said to you, through My word, that I would destroy those who are of a different spirit to Joshua and Caleb? For when My people rose up against My servant Moses, and when My people rose up against My will for their lives, and they began to speak negatively, and did not see My hand in the land, so it was that they removed that which would make for their peace, and so it is,” says the Lord, “that you have been spared this delay, that would have come your way. For the principalities and the powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world and the evil spirits in heavenly places, together with the prince of darkness, were gleefully enjoying the accusations, the philosophers, the opinions, were gleefully enjoying the words of death that came forth, even from My church. But, rebellion has not filled My nostrils, as it would have, so now I remove the force, and the power of rebellion in this nation, and the power of witchcraft is broken, over this nation South Africa.”
“For I shall heal this land, it has begun. I shall do that which I said I would do, in your lifetime. Not as it was with My previous peoples, who rebelled against Me, and hardened their hearts to My ways, and so they wandered in the wilderness until they died out and I could raise up a people, who would believe Me, who would trust Me, who would know that I am, that I am, that I am sovereign God. I knew you before the foundations of the earth, where were you, where were you when I created all of creation, where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth, where were you? Those who have stuck their fingers in My nose, and said ‘it cannot be,’ Shall be put to shame, but My people, who are called by My name, because they have humbled themselves and prayed, shall not be put to shame. For now the darkness has been removed and surely your light shall shine bright as I have decreed,” says the Lord.
“Now the chains shall be broken over the lives of many, and even those who were guilty shall be made innocent because of pure hands, and so it is that I shall take
you, along My path of righteousness, for My name sake. For there are many who shall take a wrong path and find themselves in great peril, for there is now coming a separation between the true and the false, but the false church shall begin to become darker and dimmer, but the true church shall begin to become brighter with fire. All around the world, even now, the demons tremble, for even the demons believe and tremble, and so it is that the shield of faith shall surely quench every and all fiery darts of the enemy. I have silenced the enemy, and I have prepared a table in the wilderness, in the presence of your enemies. I have caused them to become dumb, yes I have even struck them with deafness. I have caused them to become blind, and so they shall no longer have the sway and the influence, with which they had, in your yesterday, for satan is the destroyer, but you have overcome, through the power of the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony, and now,” God says, “I shall cause you to come to a place, where you shall love your lives, not even as unto the death. For there is a sound, a sound – a certain sound, that I have released, from My throne, a certain sound that shall rally My warriors, clothed in full armor, yes, the very ones that Joel saw, yes they shall arise, yes they shall go forth.”

“And see,” says the Lord, “I shall cause you to go into the highways and the byways, and I shall cause you to bring many in that shall come and join in a great celebration in that day. The harvest is yours, you must take it now, and I will be with you, even to the end of the age, yes I will be with you forever. And I will work with you, and I will confirm My word, with signs and wonders, and miracles following. Only believe, only be courageous, and do not fear. For have you not discovered My love? Have you not discovered that My love, that is higher than any mountain, deeper than any sea, wider than any canyon? Have you not discovered My love, that is perfect? Have you not discovered, that My perfect love, drives out all fear? Therefore fear not, fear not for I am with you,” says the Lord. Give Jesus a praise offering please.
The Heavens have gone open! The heavens are open!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Why This is Such a Significant Time - Doug Addison

11October Prophetic Word:
Why This is Such a Significant Time
by Doug Addison

Days of Awe
This is the time each year that is important for your life, as it sets the course for you prophetically for the upcoming year.

It is the Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashanah—October 2–4, 2016, and the Day of Atonement, called Yom Kippur—October 11–12, 2016. Even though we are no longer under the Law of Moses, God still operates on the Jewish calendar.

Historically, Jewish people believe that God examines our lives during the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to see if we are ready for spiritual advancement, or promotion, to a new level of maturity.

Whether you are aware of it or not, this is a time when you are able to hear God more clearly and gain direction. The 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called the Days of Awe.

A new gate in Heaven opened

Many people have been going through difficult times and we are seeing and feeling a sense of unrest. There has been heavy spiritual warfare, bad weather patterns and attacks of the enemy. In the midst of these difficulties, I want to encourage you to hang on, as something new is coming.

The enemy does not want us to see what it is that is coming. He is throwing everything he has at distracting us by getting us to look at the storm, rather than the solution God is bringing.

My Daily Prophetic Word for October 1, 2016, was, “A new gate in the spirit is opening over you that is going to change the spiritual atmosphere.”

“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.” Psalm 24:7 KJV

Something major shifted into place on that day, as God began releasing new strategies and assistance from Heaven. In the midst of unrest, God opened up a new Gate of Rest for us to enter into.

To survive and thrive during this time of transition, it is important to get God’s perspective and trust that He is still in charge and has not forgotten you. God is inviting you to enter into His rest, in which you can find peace during this time of transition.

Books of Heaven being opened

During the Days of Awe, the books of Heaven are opened over us. Daniel 7:10 shows us that there are books, or scrolls, in Heaven that are opened and the Courts of Heaven review them. These books can be about us personally, as in Psalm 139:16, or about greater global issues. They contain blueprints and strategies needed to advance the Kingdom of God in our lives and on Earth.

I have had several encounters in the Courts of Heaven over the past couple of months; something special is happening this year. There is a higher level examination of our lives happening that is going to bring about new promotions and assignments that affect the next 7 years of our lives. I saw the Daniel 7 Court of Heaven taking place over people.

”As I looked, ‘thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze. A river of fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.’” Daniel 7:9-10 NIV

The Lord told me that this is a very rare time, as it is a rare event to have the Ancient of Days court session. It is the highest court and level of authority in Heaven. The Father is rendering decisions and judgments for those who have been called to be part of this next move of God. Many have been over-attacked by the enemy, and have felt they failed or have been forgotten.

Revival coming

All that is happening right now, is happening to set the stage for one of the greatest shows on Earth. Things have already started taking place for a new revival that will become more evident in 2017.

There are pockets of God’s glory and fire now being released. There is a lot of repositioning happening, and from now through the end of the year we will get more clarity on this.

“Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” Revelation 4:1 NIV

There are going to be 2 moves of God. The first is inside the Church and in the lives of Christians—it is designed to awaken and prepare us.

The second is a wave of revival that will be geared to those who have been rejected by Christians or considered unclean or even an abomination. What is coming might seem to be a stretch to many people, as some of our current ways of doing things will not work to reach those who have been rejected.

One billion soul harvest

On September 22, I was awakened at 2:30 AM, and the Holy Spirit said “Get up, because an important counsel meeting has taken place.” I saw, in the spirit, members of the Counsel of Heaven; I heard the late prophet, Bob Jones, speaking to them. During his life, Bob was on Earth to release a great revival that would be over one billion people, people who would be a radical group for God. This never took place, before his death in 2014.

But God has not forgotten Bob’s life and ministry, and it is now time for this revival to start.

In the counsel meeting, the Lord was making plans for this new movement. I saw transitional teams of angels being dispersed. Assignments were being given to people who will be part of this new move. There will not be only one person who will lead it. I saw the hidden ones starting to awaken. These are the ones who, like Joseph in Genesis 41, had been hidden in prison, then came on the scene and changed the course of history through the prophetic and dream interpretation.
Ezekiel 36 decree

The Lord has issued a decree from Ezekiel 36 that will start happening now. I had previously released a prophetic word about this happening, as He was calling the weak sheep defenders, you can read that prophetic word, from this summer, here. This is going to be a wave of reviving those who have been wounded by Christianity.

Many of those who are called to be part of these new movements have been discouraged and in the dark night of the soul, or wilderness. Then I heard from the Lord to prophesy, Ezekiel 37, a call to the valley of the dry bones and to awaken those who will have ears to hear.

I began to prophecy this over people during this encounter:

“Then He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! … I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life”’ …. ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from four winds and breath into these slain, that they may live.’” Ezekiel 37:4-9 NIV

I, the Lord, am breathing new life into you so that you can raise up the army that is coming forward in 2017. For this reason, I am going to move fast and I am going to move furiously in your life. I am going to pour out My fire and glory upon you. I am going to realign you into a place of effectiveness.

Extreme encounter and extreme attacks

I got the revelation in this article only halfway through this 2016 period of the 10 Days of Awe. These are some of the most powerful encounters I have had in my life.

But at the same time, I have been going through some very extreme warfare against me, my family and staff—so please be praying for us. It is going to be good, and worth it all. I will be releasing the things I get from the Lord, in addition to this word. Yom Kippur, which starts today, is usually the time I get the most revelation about what is coming.


Doug Addison

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Zituta Ministries testimonies update: