Thursday, 26 November 2015

Zituta Ministries is born!

In November 2012 a friend and I went to Kasane, Botswana to pray and seek the Lord for 2013. The Scripture the Lord gave me was Hebrews 12:25-28 which speaks about the Kingdom that cannot be shaken. I was extremely blessed with this Scripture! I just didn't know how it would play out! A week after we returned home I lost all forms of income, I lost friends in ministry and was once again shaken to the core and rock bottom in many ways. Luckily it wasn't the first time this happened to me, so I quickly realised what was happening; God is calling me to be still and sit at His feet and learn from Him. The only thing that I was sure of beyond any shadow of doubt,  was God's love for me; and this is enough! It is His Love that compels me to wake up in the morning. It is His Love that transforms me into my true identity and calling which is to bare His image here on earth. To be the Light to a lost and fallen world.

At this stage I counselled people who faced challenges that most people don't even know exist, and now I lost my support in order to help them. But God wanted to teach me Himself and not have me rely on man. He had to teach me what it means to operate in the Spirit and not in the soul. Our battle is in the spirit and not against flesh and blood (the soul is in the blood). He showed me how to live a life fully submitted to Him. The Lord gave us bigger breakthrough than ever before in counselling from this point on!

He also taught me the basics of relationship and practically what it looks like. It's easy to have an uncommitted friendship with people, but there are people that requires more, example your spouse and your close family. Most of all He taught me relationship with Him! I stay in the same house as my mother and I realised I don't really know her that well. I love her but I do not know her! And I realised that there is a great possibility I will treat my spouse one day the same as I treat my mother. We have a good relationship, but it lacked depth. I deliberately started giving attention to these kind of matters and I grew tremendously in my relationship with the Lord.

I was down and out till about April 2013 when my first opportunity came to do an outreach to Zimbabwe. I've never been able to go there before. We prayed at the border of Zimbabwe during our time in Kasane November 2012 and now the door opened up! From here on my life changed forever! I did an outreach just about every month to many nations including India, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia and local outreaches in SA. I will be clueless on what the future holds and then the next moment I'm on a plane or in a car to the next outreach! I think at the most I will be at home for a month or two per year! You can read all the testimonies on my blog:

Then October 2014 revival broke out in Zambia and again I felt a shift in the spirit. During the early months of 2015 the Lord spoke to me that it is time for pruning. He asked me to cut ties with many of the ministries I was involved with. I wasn't 100% sure why, but I knew I could trust the Lord and just go where ever He leads me. My understanding is not a factor for obedience! So I went to the necessary people and explained to them the best I could the reason for my decision to no longer be involved with their ministries. Gladly, they were all very supportive!

Let me just explain; by cutting ties with a ministry DOES NOT mean I do not support them in what they do or that my relationships with the people involved is in a bad state. It simply means that God has a specific plan for all of us and He is busy preparing all of us to step even higher and deeper in our callings. Then as I felt chuffed with myself for being obedient, then the Lord said what about Aflame Ministries. When the Lord mentioned Aflame I rebelled against it because I am very happy at Aflame. I have all the freedom I could ask for and Henk (director of Aflame) and I have an amazing friendship and work really well together. The Lord didn't want me to step away from Aflame, simply to start my own ministry. In my mind it didn't make sense; I didn't want to "re-invent the wheel". But the Lord kept on talking to me about this and backed it up with supernatural encounters, and I followed Him step by step. If you testify like this it sounds really short and simple, but all this was a process of months and a lot of time in prayer and seeking Him.

During April 2015 I again went to Zambia, but this time I went alone. I had a lot of time to pray and spend with the Lord. He then gave me a name for the ministry He wants me to start. The name is Zituta. Zituta means "feet" in Tonga. Tonga is the people we minister to mostly in Zambia. Feet means a lot to me. It speaks of willingness to go as well as humility and servant hood. Jesus, the King of kings counted Himself as nothing and He came to wash our feet...

What I have learned is that many times the Lord will tell us to do something but then gives us the freedom in how to do it and this is when we usually mess up, especially if emotions and finance gets involved. I wanted to do this right. I asked few people to pray with me and I also went to see Henk. This process again took some months as we travel a lot for outreaches and time always seemed to be against us. Henk and I eventually had a talk and he blessed my decision. Only later the year I learned why God wanted me to start my own thing! Henk and his family are moving to East London and with him goes the resources that I usually use when on outreach, example the bakkie (vehicle) and sound equipment. I believe this is only one of the reasons God did what He did. Another is growth. Everyone in Aflame is entering a new season; Henk and Marise are moving to the Eastern Cape to start a new work, I am starting my own thing, Hanzelle started a new ministry and Jairos moved to Zimbabwe and will also start a new work. All of us are still great friends and will still work together in the future. It is truly amazing how God worked with all of us separately, yet corporately and guided us into this new season! I believe this is very healthy and very much the way God works. People make it ugly when emotion, finance, selfishness, pride and these kind of things get involved.

I am now in process to register Zituta Ministries. Jan Herbst and Jan Grobbelaar will be directors with me, and people who Spiritually will help me is Henk Kleinschmidt, Jan Hugo, Lourens de Klerk, Anita Roux and David Hogan. They are my spiritual overseers and blessed my decision to start Zituta Ministries.

There are many prophesies that the Gospel must go from SA up north into the rest of Africa. I believe this with my whole heart and everything I do faithfully plays some part in this massive picture. My dream is to go up to Kenya/Uganda and establish the Kingdom as we go. Cambodia and South East Asia will also be a priority. Zambia and Botswana I feel will take the lead. The purpose of Zituta is only for the legal and physical aspects that we deal with, example transfer of funds across borders and taxes etc. Zituta is a vehicle to serve the body of Christ and not the other way round. The Spirit Himself will guide our steps! Our heart is to win as many souls possible for Jesus and help people fall more in love with Him. To transform the body of Christ to reflect Christ to the world and creation. It is to manifest the Kingdom everywhere we go.

This is a new season for me and a step of faith. I've never been this sure of Gods plan in my life and the role I am to play together with the body of Christ in this time. I am now praying for everything to start and for the final things to fall in place. I will do regular drives up North and hopefully visit South East Asia at least once a year. Equipment, a vehicle and many things are needed but I have no doubt in my mind regarding this new season. I've been living in faith since 2009 and can say with Samuel the following words: Up to this point, the Lord has helped us! (1Sam 7:12).

I want to thank the Lord for His Mercy, Grace and Faithfulness with me and all of us. I have experienced divine supernatural connections on a regular basis. I want to thank Him for not limiting me to my dreams, but giving me His dreams. He truly is worthy! Thank you for the role you play(ed) and/or will play in this work God is doing. I appreciate it very much!! Looking forward to the time ahead! I believe we are living in very exciting times and that we will see a move of God like never before. May we all get to know Him; the resurrected King!

If you need more information and/or want to become part of this ministry, please mail me at (I'm still registering everything so for now, this email will have to do!)

Martin de Jager