Tuesday, 15 April 2014

SEA Outreach

We are very excited about our upcoming SEA (South East Asia) Supernatural Tour coming up from the 16th to the 28th of April with Richard Suberi from Himalaya International Ministries. We will be spending time in Thailand and two other surrounding nations. These nations are mainly Buddhist and is so in need of the love of Jesus. According to Operation World these nations are 67%, 71% and 56% unreached. In all three nations we will be spending time with leaders in conference form, trusting for God to ignite wild fires in the hearts of all. In Thailand we will have 100 leaders attending a two day Supernatural Leadership conference in Bangkok, with open meetings in the evening. The same will take place in the other nations.
Please carry us in your prayers in preparation during this time. Trust with us that these leaders’ hearts will be ignited with Hope and Passion to bring radical change wherever they go. That we will see a harvest of kingdom citizens come in to glorify Jesus.

Here is information from Operation World's website (http://www.operationworld.org/).

Thank you for your prayers!


Kingdom of Cambodia


See Prayer Information


Area: 181,035 sq km
Fertile, forest-covered state of southwest Indo-China on the Mekong River.
Population: 15,053,112    Annual Growth: 1.66%
Capital: Phnom Penh
Urbanites: 22.8%
HDI Rank: 137 of 182 (UN Human Development Reports 2009)


Peoples: 42 (71% unreached) All peoples
Unreached Peoples Prayer Card

Official language: Khmer    Languages: 25 All languages


Largest Religion: Buddhist
Religion               Pop %Ann Gr

Challenges for Prayer

Pray for the less-reached. The window of opportunity that now sees many enter the Kingdom may not stay open for much longer; the opportunities must be urgently seized. Pray for:
a) The Buddhist majority. Buddhism has lost some of its monopolistic grip on the people, but reactionary forces are moving against the clearly noticeable growth of the Church.
b) The Cham, almost entirely Muslim. The majority practice folk Islam, which incorporates animistic practices into more orthodox Islamic practices; within this is a strong strain of Fojihed Islam, which is rife with pre-Islamic magic and superstitions. There are a few Christians; pray for them to be gathered into fellowship together. Khmer Christians have not yet met this evangelistic challenge; pray also for wisdom for those already reaching out to the Cham.
c) The tribal peoples. Only among the Mnong, Jarai, Krueng and Stieng have significant numbers come to Christ. A further 18 Southeast Asian peoples can be considered unevangelized; pray for loving and appropriate witness to these peoples.
d) The six Chinese language groups constitute nearly 600,000 people who have largely assimilated into Cambodian society, but who are mostly unreached. Pray for Chinese believers from abroad to come as apostles to these people.
Christian ministries have diversified in recent years. Pray specifically for:
a) Literature. CMA has translated a range of materials, especially for church planting training. The Bible Society and others provide Khmer Bibles, NTs and Scripture portions. A new Khmer Bible was completed in 1998. Lifewords tracts and literature are widely appreciated.
b) Fount of Wisdom is a joint effort of CMA, EFC, AoG and OMF that trains Cambodian Christian writers, encourages production of indigenous materials for the Church and translates useful Christian literature from other languages. Pray for its positive impact on the Church and on the nation.
c) The JESUS film is being used in Khmer, Chinese, Vietnamese and other tongues. Father’s Hope is another film being used by The Book of Hope team to reach out to Cambodians.
d) Audio and video resources. GRN provides audio resources in 18 languages. God’s Story and Megavoice both have material in Khmer.
e) Christian radio. Over 300 hours per week, many in Khmer and on FM, can be heard. FEBC broadcasts 115 hours per week on local FM radio with notable response. TWR, GFA, World Harvest Radio and Lutheran Hour also broadcast in Khmer or various minority languages.


Kingdom of Thailand


See Prayer Information


Area: 513,115 sq km
A fertile and well-watered land bordering on Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia.
Population: 68,139,238    Annual Growth: 0.66%
Capital: Bangkok
Urbanites: 34%
HDI Rank: 87 of 182 (UN Human Development Reports 2009)


Peoples: 114 (67% unreached) All peoples
Unreached Peoples Prayer Card

Official language: Thai    Languages: 85 All languages


Largest Religion: Buddhist
Religion               Pop %Ann Gr

Answer to Prayer

Challenge for Prayer

The extensive sex trade, focused in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Hat Yai, is profoundly embedded in Thai society. Millions derive income from this “industry”. Estimates – none of which can be verified – range up to 2.8 million who engage in sex work. Some claim 10% of all tourist money is spent on the sex industry. Pray for:
a) The girls involved (and the much smaller numbers of men). They are usually from poor, rural backgrounds and mostly from Isaan/the northeast, from ethnic minorities or from neighbouring countries, especially Myanmar. They are often sold into the sex trade by family members needing money or fewer mouths to feed. Their introduction into the trade can be brutal. Leaving can be nearly impossible due to “debts” owed to traffickers. Many others enter willingly, seeking an income higher than any other job would offer or the prospect of a rich foreign boyfriend or husband. All are at high risk of mistreatment and disease; all are in need of the redemption and unconditional love that Christ offers.
b) Those who profit from the trade. Those who exploit others for their own gain must be brought to task. Pray for corrupt police and officials, the traffickers, the Chinese-Thai mafia, owners of the establishments where the trade occurs, relatives who sell the girls into indentured sexual servitude. Pray for moral conviction to fall upon them. Pray for this wicked flesh trade to be brought to an end.
c) The users. Westerners and East Asians in their hundreds of thousands arrive in the country specifically or in part for sex tourism. Thai men who pay for sex outnumber both of these groups by far. Pray for blind eyes to be opened, and pray for the freedom these men also need from this vile practice.
d) The government, which officially states opposition to sex tourism, but does very little to discourage it. Billions are tied up in the trade, and there is little willpower in the government to disperse the tangled web of the sex trade and the billions it generates, directly and indirectly.
e) Agencies seeking to minister to those caught in the trade. Ministries such as Rahab and Nightlight work with prostitutes, providing care, counselling and vocational training for those wanting out. Many other groups work in anti-trafficking. It is a valuable and honourable battle, but a difficult one that cannot ultimately be won solely by “rescuing” girls or closing individual brothels.


Socialist Republic of Vietnam


See Prayer Information


Area: 331,653 sq km
Long, narrow country occupying the entire eastern and southern coastline of Indochina.
Population: 89,028,741    Annual Growth: 1.15%
Capital: Hanoi
Urbanites: 28.8%
HDI Rank: 116 of 182 (UN Human Development Reports 2009)


Peoples: 114 (56% unreached) All peoples
Unreached Peoples Prayer Card

Official language: Vietnamese    Languages: 106 All languages


Largest Religion: Buddhist
Religion               Pop %Ann Gr

Challenges for Prayer

Leaders’ development and theological training are the most urgent needs of the Vietnamese church. As numbers increase, so does the potential for false teaching and error. Opportunities for training are still highly restricted and piecemeal. The Catholics have reopened several seminaries, all monitored by the government. The only legal Protestant training institute is run exclusively for the ECVN(S). Some other registered churches are allowed to train their pastors on a case by case basis. There are informal study programmes and unofficial Bible schools in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Danang and elsewhere, but a standardized curriculum would be a boon. Expatriates often quietly enter the country to do leadership seminars and modular training, but their low profile limits the impact. Beyond theology, training in other leadership skills such as management, finance, accounting and vocational training is crucial. Many pastors are already responsible for multiple congregations and have no time or money for full-time training. Pray for creative, sustainable and effective means of developing a new generation of Christian leaders.
The Vietnamese Diaspora has two elements: those who fled the Communists, mostly in the 1970s, and those who more recently travelled abroad as guest workers in other Asian countries. Over three million live around the globe, where they are more accessible to ministry. Hundreds of thousands (including many from minority ethnic groups) are labouring abroad as migrant workers and have encountered the gospel in Malaysia, South Korea or other transit points, often through the evangelistic work of Vietnamese living abroad. Many overseas Vietnamese are returning to their homeland with a spiritual burden for their country; pray for fruitful and sensitive ministry to flourish as a result.

KIA Camp 29 - 31 March 2014

KIA Camp 29 - 31 March 2014


Kids in Action is an interdenominational ministry that works with many children in foster homes. Adri, the director, has been a friend of mine for a few years and we've done some work together in the past. We joined up again as she and her team planned to take close to 80 children from two foster homes on a short camp to a farm near Pretoria.


Many of these children have nowhere to go during the holidays. The reason being that they were removed from their parental home as a result of ongoing court cases. Their lives are all made up of heartbreaking stories of suffering and pain. The fact however remains that they are still just kids and we aim to give them a weekend to enjoy but also to minister and encourage!


Therefore it brings me great excitement to work with the kids and my schedule allowed me to attend the camp with the KIA team. They asked me to minister to the children over the three days and released me and the Holy Spirit to minister as He pleases. With a heart and attitude like this from management, I know the event will always be a success!


The word from the Lord was that He wants to do something totally different this year. Just how different, only He knew! I started off the first day slowly and just got to know the kids a bit better. They played games and we had a lot of fun together! I shared my testimony with them during the session and about fifteen children came to the front to give their hearts to Jesus!


During the camp a few other people also came to minister with the kids in the form of dancing, playing and just having fun! We also had another guy who came to testify on what Jesus had done in his life and how He saved him. They prayed with the children and many felt the Holy Spirit for the first time!


When the Lord does something different it always comes with opposition from the enemy because he always suffers and gets defeated! So he will try his personal best to drag Gods children down with him. The Lord showed me a lot about spiritual warfare and how the realm of the spirit operates around us. It is amazing to experience the realness of what is continually happening around us  without us even noticing most of the time. But when we as God's children just stay in Him and let His Spirit guide us, we will always be more than conquerors!


During the afternoon session the second day and throughout the third day I had the privilege to minister and pray with these kids. Everyone that I know of had a personal encounter with a living God that is absolutely crazy in love with us! We showed them how to give their problems and hurts to Jesus. The testimonies are still coming in!


I found a letter next to my laptop from one of the children where the person drew a picture of a very sad face. It said that the person has lost her mom and that she was very sad. The following page she draw a cross and said that Jesus told her that it was her mom's time to go home and that she is safe. This girl had an encounter with Jesus and He instantly restored her peace! Another guy said he could literally feel the wind in his hair as he and Jesus flew on a cloud together!


Yet another boy came to me with a picture of a dragon. The artistic level of the drawing was that of a three year old. I told him to ask Jesus what he must draw. Jesus drew a picture in the sand for him. I told him to come and show me when he had finish his drawing. He later came back with a picture he drew. He drew Revelation 22 as it stands in the Bible and the level of art was that of a ten year old! Some even saw Jesus physically! One after the other they shared their stories on how Jesus told them how to handle their situations and He showed them just how special they really are and how fearfully and wonderfully He created them.


The entire atmosphere on the camp changed and a great Peace rested on the Camp the last day. We had an amazing time swimming with the children in the river on the farm. Just before we went home, we had one more session. They divided into their groups and we gave them pen and paper. Then they had to ask Jesus what He thought of the friend sitting opposite him/her. And they did! They prophesied over each other and some even quoted Scripture they have never read, because they now knew the Author!


Over all we had an amazing time with these kids and they taught us so much about our Lord Jesus. I pray and hope that in the future we can have another camp or two like this to equip the kids even more so that they will become the doers of the Word at their schools and foster homes. Thank You Jesus for who You are!